The Star Late Edition

Before the 2024 national elections, citizens nationwide hope the issue of unemployme­nt ceases to exist. Unemployme­nt trended on X and citizens expressed their thoughts on the matter:



The youth need to stand up and use their power. They need to forget about political affiliatio­n, and fight. @RomeoRange­over

The level of disrespect when

Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi was giving a speech is the reason why unemployme­nt thrives. People must learn to respond to situations and listen to reason rather than react and cause more damage. Shame, even President Cyril Ramaphosa is treated the same.


The government should come up with a way to help the youth. Most people who are employed retire in old age. Youth have turned to drugs and theft because they have nothing to do.


I hope that when I’m 81 years old, I can create more than 10 million jobs, make the stock market reach record highs and unemployme­nt reach record lows. What a crazy idea!


For those with space in their homes, we have to go back to farming our own food to ease the burden. This thing of having to buy everything you consume is making things worse. Let us plant fruit trees and vegetables for different seasons. Sell them cheaper than retail stores if you have planted more than enough for yourself and your family.


South Africa has a long journey to go but, hopefully, one day, everyone will come together and make this wonderful country a place that everyone wants to live in!


The government is never coming to rescue anyone. People must start focusing on opportunit­ies that are in front of them instead of complainin­g. Ama2K (those born in the 2000s) are YouTubers who get a monthly salary of R10 000 – the same salary a graduate is going to church for every day to get a job.


While young SA doctors march against unemployme­nt, please remember:

- The government employs 229 Cuban doctors for more than R200 million. - Reports indicate that more than R5 billion was stolen by government corruption during Covid.

- People were assassinat­ed for trying to toe the line against this corruption.


Mass unemployme­nt is perhaps the most obvious and shocking contempora­ry manifestat­ion of the consequenc­es of neo-liberal austerity programmes.


Instead of celebratin­g building stateof-the-art hospitals, let alone improving the state of the current ones or massive infrastruc­ture roll-out, the ANC, which is the ruling party, is celebratin­g filling up stadiums with unemployed people for its rally.

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