The Star Late Edition




1 Outsize vehicles at

Hollywood ceremony (6)

5 Small grouse on steep

slope (5)

9 See bloodsucke­r in

shelter by church (5)

10 Porridge thrown at

a mole (7)

11 Toy found in ski

terraces (4)

12 Do not move injured nag

in the country (8)

16 Home dominance could be covering years, to be useful (4,2,5)

18 Study to invite scorn (8)

21 Turns to a New Testament

book (4)

23 Nobleman, one before

queen, previously (7)

24 Yogurt dish ruined tiara (5)

25 Drink for a tennis player (5)

26 Has a hankering for

stories about the east (6)


2 Vegetable crop following

dessert (9)

3 Pain of little account

to man (4)

4 Hit stag or pony, ruining

the hunters’ gathering (8,5)

6 Copper has little time for

food flavouring (5)

7 Criticise joint (5)

8 Chap penniless,

right to left (5)

13 Become insane, lacking

male impetus (4)

14 Craving, these days,

clarity of speech (9)

15 Apportion pork etc,

we hear (4)

17 It’s balance regularly required for Jacob’s father (5)

19 Make a speech,

or brew tea (5)

20 Roofer left during row (5)

22 Song Marian takes

to heart (4)


1 Animal resembling

a stoat (6)

5 Jeer (5)

9 Unpleasant aroma (5)

10 Tomato sauce (7)

11 Close (curtains) (4)

12 Shrill, harsh (8)

16 Token from a shop, given

as a present (4,7)

18 Austrian crown prince (8)

21 Slang for ‘food’ (4)

23 The Towering ___,

Paul Newman film (7)

24 Frogs’ eggs (5)

25 Perspirati­on (5)

26 Nut (6)


2 Totally self-centred

person (9)

3 Ride a wave (4)

4 (Run) very smoothly

and easily (4,9)

6 Hidden hoard (5)

7 Cleanse a lavatory

by the flow of water (5)

8 Fawn, flatter (5)

13 Inscribe deeply (4)

14 Red soft drink (9)

15 Breeding

establishm­ent (4)

17 Variety of steak (1-4)

19 Invigorate (5)

20 Animal associated with

laughing (5)

22 Russian emperor’s

title (4)

 ?? ??
 ?? ??

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