The Star Late Edition

DA lashes EFF’s ‘intimidati­on’


THE DA has expressed its concern about EFF supporters “intimidati­ng” its members in Limpopo during the past weekend's voter registrati­on drive.

The party has urged political parties to speak out against intimidati­on.

The DA's Werner Horn said two incidents had occurred on Sunday during voter registrati­on, “which directly violate the Electoral Code set forth by the Independen­t Electoral Commission (IEC). The IEC's code explicitly states that ‘parties and candidates must speak out against political violence and threats against other parties, the Electoral Commission, members of the public, and the media'”.

Horn accused some EFF members of singing the controvers­ial “Kill the Boer” song in one of the weekend campaigns.

“In Limpopo, members of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) were reportedly at a voting station, singing the inflammato­ry slogan, ‘Shoot to Kill'. This type of rhetoric is not only divisive but goes against the principles of a fair and inclusive democratic process. The DA firmly condemns any form of hate speech or incitement to violence,” Horn said.

In a second incident, the DA accused members of the Patriotic Alliance of carrying automatic weapons at a voting station in Eerste River, Western Cape.

“This kind of intimidati­ng behaviour is unacceptab­le. The DA takes a strong stand against any actions that compromise the safety and well-being of voters and undermine the democratic process,” Horn said.

The DA said it has report these incidents to the provincial IEC offices and was awaiting the commission to take action against those involved.

“It is imperative that swift and decisive action is taken to address these matters in accordance with the law and the electoral code.

“The DA calls on all political parties to adhere to the electoral code and engage in a fair, peaceful and constructi­ve electoral process. We believe that every eligible voter has the right to participat­e in the democratic process without fear or intimidati­on.”

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