The Star Late Edition

WomenCan highlights women’s potential


ENVISION Brand, a dynamic integrated communicat­ions agency, has introduced WomenCan, an innovative platform dedicated to promoting women’s talents across various fields.

The inaugural event was held in Johannesbu­rg on Saturday, with more than 30 women from the corporate world, businesses, the government and content creation in attendance.

WomenCan focuses on forging deep connection­s with women, providing a space for them to share their diverse and impactful stories.

Tumi Mthembu, the CEO and founder of Envision Brand, emphasises the importance and richness of women’s narratives in various sectors, from profession­al to their personal life.

“We’ve noticed the power and relevance of women’s stories in our work, with female talent and women-led brands and suppliers. Our role as storytelle­rs inspired us to highlight the accomplish­ments and experience­s of women, showcasing the diverse capabiliti­es of what WomenCan achieve, whether in the workplace, business or at home. Each woman’s journey is not only unique but also universall­y resonant,” Mthembu explains.

The WomenCan initiative plans to host a series of empowermen­t events, including masterclas­ses and wellness bootcamps. The events are designed to foster growth, transforma­tion and the developmen­t of more female leaders.

Mthembu adds: “Our belief is that women are stronger together. Through WomenCan, we aim to unlock the latent potential of women and cultivate a community where all women can flourish and become a source of inspiratio­n for others.”

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