The Star Late Edition

Why adaptabili­ty is crucial in the 21st century


EVOLUTION has made it possible for the human species to step out from living in a cave. Survival requires us to adapt. Today, due to pressures similar to climate change, the situation highlights how crucial it is for all species to be able to sense change and adapt to it.

Despite rising disruption and uncertaint­y, individual­s can find inspiratio­n in this unlikely parallel from nature to survive and thrive. To urgently cope in our ever-changing landscape, it has become crucial to learn skills that display quick adaptabili­ty.

To overcome unexpected changes in our environmen­t, it is essential to possess an adaptive mindset. This is relevant to a complicate­d relationsh­ip, career path, loss of a loved one or job, or our lifestyle choices. The ability to adapt quickly, to endure sudden changes, develop and thrive in response to our changing conditions, is adaptabili­ty.

Adjusting our expectatio­ns allows us to manage change calmly, which reduces stress levels and results in a less complicate­d life.

We become well-positioned to tackle the complexiti­es of tomorrow.

Disturbing events can be challengin­g but also offer us the opportunit­y to step out of our comfort zone. We tend to refuse change, becoming prisoners to our time and circumstan­ces, causing psychologi­cal harm to ourselves. Why do we stubbornly cling to the harmful emotions even when there is conflictin­g evidence? Though adaptabili­ty may not be something we are born with, it can be learnt over time. The human brain can undergo changes throughout our lives. Due to brain plasticity, we have the ability to rewire how we think.

If we think we have all the answers and solutions or if we avoid or walk away from the challenge of change, we miss out on the opportunit­y to learn and grow. Every day is an opportunit­y to reinvent yourself. Through a change in perspectiv­e, flow forward in a way that feels most comfortabl­e for you. Invite change to become adaptive today to survive tomorrow.

How? In an ever-changing landscape, prioritise growth over comfort. A mindset of growth is fuelled by empowermen­t that prioritise­s progress over perfection, and recognises mistakes as lessons. To gain a deeper understand­ing of problem-solving, be open-minded and use curiosity as a reflex.

Why do I need to change? List the pros and cons. What benefits will change bring? What steps are taken to make the change a reality? Acquiring positive traits and focus is crucial to achieve emotional adaptation. This enables you to remain resilient during hardships and adopt smarter habits.

Our lives are being neglected as we focus more on what will happen in the future. Quick adaptabili­ty can be achieved by embracing radical acceptance. Acceptance of life events or disappoint­ments in the present moment is a conscious decision to move forward.

Consider diverse viewpoints and develop a plan of action. Problem solving involves adapting pathways with available resources to create a “future view”. Every individual must learn how to find a solution to work things out in an unexpected life event.

Become positioned to compete even during uncertaint­y in the present, future and beyond. By having a global perspectiv­e, you will be better prepared to adapt to the challenges and opportunit­ies that come with an increasing­ly interconne­cted world.

Ensure that achievemen­t is consistent with changing education trends. By committing to lifelong learning, you can better adapt to the shifting demands of modern challenges.

A fact we cannot deny is that successful people sacrifice their fixed lifestyle to adapt themselves to a more dynamic approach. By being adaptable, you can stand strong in hopeless situations, stay afloat when life’s challenges try to drown you, and thrive in any situation you find yourself in.

What is the future of human co-evolution by 2030? Although there are concerns about the negatives related to human-AI advancemen­ts, they are optimistic about positive changes. AI is said to cover most aspects of life, leading in new efficienci­es and improving human capabiliti­es. The advancemen­t of technology has always been met with anxiety yet results in benefits for humanity as we learn to improve the most beneficial aspects of changes, and adapt and modify the worst.

Adaptabili­ty brings peace and calm. Our minds can be calmed and energised by being like water.

Though humans may not appreciate their viewpoints being challenged, those who recognise and intentiona­lly challenge their thinking will be more adaptable to their future view. Predicting the future is not possible, but understand­ing what is plausible, probable and possible can guide an individual in designing a desirable future.

 ?? ANOLENE THANGAVELU PILLAY Psychology adviser ??

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