The Star Late Edition

Why that red wine headache?


IS YOUR enjoyment of a good glass of red wine dampened by the headache that follows?

Affinity Health has taken a closer look at why red wine is often singled out as a common headache culprit.

Differenti­ating between a wine headache and a hangover, Affinity Health CEO Murray Hewlett said: “A wine headache, which occurs during the first three hours of drinking, is not the same as a hangover, which occurs later. Headaches can occur 30 minutes after drinking only one or two tiny glasses, rather than after a long session.”

Here are some of the reasons why you get a headache after wine: Sulfites

Sulfites are a preservati­ve in many foods and beverages, including wine. While sulfites are generally recognised as safe for consumptio­n, they can trigger headaches and allergic reactions in some individual­s. Sulfites are more prevalent in red wine than in white.

To reduce the risk of sulfite-induced headaches, consider choosing wines labelled as sulfite-free or low-sulfite.

Additional­ly, drinking organic or biodynamic wines may help, as they often contain lower sulfite levels.


Histamines are naturally occurring compounds in various foods and beverages, including wine. They contribute to the body’s immunologi­cal response and can dilate blood vessels, leading to congestion and headaches. Some individual­s are more sensitive to histamines and may experience headaches after consuming histamine-rich foods or drinks, including red wine.

Antihistam­ines may help mitigate the histamine-related headache risk. Before using any medicine, consult a health-care expert, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions or are taking other prescripti­ons.


Tannins are compounds in grape skins, seeds and stems contributi­ng to red wine’s astringent and dry feeling. While tannins are necessary for the structure and flavour of wine, they can cause headaches in some people. This is because tannins may cause blood vessels to tighten, resulting in decreased blood flow to the brain.

If you suspect that tannins cause wine-induced headaches, try opting for wines with lower tannin levels. Lighter red wine varieties tend to have milder tannins compared to full-bodied options.


Tyramine is another naturally occurring compound in red wine that has been associated with headaches. It forms when the amino acid tyrosine breaks down in certain foods and beverages, including aged or fermented products like red wine, cheese and smoked meats. Tyramine can trigger the release of neurotrans­mitters in the brain, potentiall­y leading to headaches in susceptibl­e individual­s.

To reduce the risk of tyraminein­duced headaches, choose fresher wine varieties (over-aged wines) and pair with low-tyramine foods, such as eggs, certain cheeses, pasta and cereals.

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