The Star Late Edition

Greenside High School: a model of excellence in education


TUCKED away in the leafy Johannesbu­rg suburb of Greenside, lies a high school that exemplifie­s the pinnacle of excellence in education. Greenside High School has built a sterling reputation over the years for its holistic approach to learning, outstandin­g academic results and commitment to nurturing well-rounded individual­s.

At the heart of Greenside High School’s ethos is value-based education. With visionary leadership, the school fosters an environmen­t where core values like integrity, compassion and respect are woven into the fabric of the curriculum. This emphasis on values provides learners with a moral compass to navigate life’s challenges.

The school’s focus on holistic growth is evident in its diverse array of academic, cultural and sporting activities. Learners can choose from a wide range of subjects and participat­e in various co-curricular pursuits to discover and develop their talents. The nurturing staff members provide mentorship and support to help each child thrive.

Excellent facilities – including stateof-the-art laboratori­es, library, sports fields and creative spaces – enable a stimulatin­g learning environmen­t.

The results speak for themselves. Greenside High School has maintained a 100% pass rate, with an exceptiona­l 88% of learners obtaining Bachelor passes – outperform­ing many top schools.

In recognitio­n of its outstandin­g performanc­e, Greenside High School was voted “Best Public High School in Johannesbu­rg” in 2019, 2022 and 2023 by the Best of Joburg Awards.

With its balanced emphasis on academic rigour, values and holistic growth, Greenside High School represents a model of excellence in education.

It is a school that produces not just stellar learners, but outstandin­g human beings.

 ?? ?? Greenside High School learners (from left) Aaliya Bismila, Amirah Bhyat and Palesa Pilane all achieved Full Honours.
Greenside High School learners (from left) Aaliya Bismila, Amirah Bhyat and Palesa Pilane all achieved Full Honours.

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