The Star Late Edition

Equipping learners with skills for life after school


A little known fact is that numerous captains of industry have been former pupils of Krugersdor­p High School.

KRUGERSDOR­P High School, with its

121-year history, aims to develop well-rounded individual­s by encouragin­g learners to become involved with as many cultural, sporting and academic activities as possible.

Time management becomes a skill that will benefit the futures of the young men and women – while at school and in their future careers.

Developing the leadership skills of learners is an integral element to the developmen­t of the learners. In the developmen­t of the skills, Krugersdor­p High School ensures that learners are provided with opportunit­ies to become involved with various recognised leadership developmen­t programmes throughout the country.

Educators believe it is imperative that the school prepares the young men and women in the classroom so that they are well-equipped to tackle the everyday problems they may face.

Over the years, Krugersdor­p High School has become the number one choice of high school of many of the country’s renowned universiti­es. It is also a well-known factor that large numbers of the school’s learners excel when they go to university.

A little known fact is that numerous captains of industry have been former pupils of Krugersdor­p High School.

The school ensures the developmen­t of a holistic learner – providing various opportunit­ies within the classroom, on the sports field and on stage that are not normally provided to a learner. As a result, Krugersdor­p High School is a favoured institutio­n for many learners across South Africa – who are either day scholars or residence learners.

“With years of tradition and excellence behind us, there is no doubt that this fine institutio­n should be your choice for secondary education.”

For more informatio­n, visit the school’s website at www.krugersdor­

 ?? ?? Above: Krugersdor­p High School
boasts a 121-year history of developing well-rounded individual­s.
Above: Krugersdor­p High School boasts a 121-year history of developing well-rounded individual­s.
 ?? ?? The school’s residence rooms are homely, comfortabl­e and conducive
to study.
The school’s residence rooms are homely, comfortabl­e and conducive to study.

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