The Star Late Edition

Mafokate fails to halt seizure of lavish house

Court finds veteran musician used R7.5m of funds meant to help poor youngsters


THE Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, yesterday dismissed an applicatio­n by veteran musician and producer Arthur Mafokate to have his property, a luxury guest house, released from a preservati­on order.

On December 21, 2022, the Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU) of the National Prosecutin­g Authority (NPA) obtained an order to preserve the property situated at 85 Carslwald Road in Midrand.

Mafokate is the sole director of 999 Music, according to Lumka Mahanjana, Gauteng regional spokespers­on for the NPA.

“This followed investigat­ions conducted by the Special Investigat­ing Unit (SIU) into the National Lotteries Commission (NLC), which revealed that the South African Arts and Developmen­t Organisati­on (SAADA) was granted R9.3 million to assist unemployed youth in the poor and rural areas of the country, to impact skills in music, business video, film production, dance, and the overall business of radio,” according to Mahanjana.

Instead, the SAADA, under the control of Mafokate, only used R1.8 million of those funds on the project and used the remaining funds, R7.5 million, to purchase a luxurious guest house known as La Villa Rosa in Midrand.

“In court, Mafokate argued that he was entitled to the R7.5 million as his businesses delivered the services as required by the NLC and that he had committed no offences.

“However, the NPA argued that although some kind of services were rendered, it was at most R1.8 million.

“The remainder of the funds were used to purchase the guest house, which was not the purpose of the grant allocation,” said Mahanjana.

The NPA insists the funds used to purchase the guest house were stolen from the NLC, as the money was not used for the allocated project.

“The court agreed with the NPA that it was against the terms and conditions of the grant for SAADA to carry over its obligation­s to any other organisati­on and that SAADA should have also returned any unused funds to the NLC,” said Mahanjana.

“The court also found that Arthur Mafokate could give no reasonable explanatio­n on how he could afford to purchase the guest house if it were not for NLC funds, particular­ly as his business accounts contained negligible balances when the grant was received from the NLC.

“Therefore, the court dismissed, with costs, the applicatio­n of Arthur Mafokate to have the guest house released from the preservati­on order,” she said.

Meanwhile, the Director of Public Prosecutio­ns in Gauteng, Advocate Sibongile Mzinyathi, has welcomed the investigat­ion conducted by the SIU on the matter, “which illustrate­s the effectiven­ess of law-enforcemen­t agencies working together to eradicate corruption”.

Mzinyathi also welcomed the judgment delivered yesterday, “as it demonstrat­es the NPA’s continuous fight against corruption at the highest level”.

“This judgment paves the way for the AFU to enrol the matter for the final forfeiture of the guest house and all the other luxury properties worth millions of rand purchased with stolen NLC funds,” said Mzinyathi.

“Should the forfeiture applicatio­n be successful, the guest house will be sold at a public auction and the proceeds returned to the NLC.”

Last year, IOL reported that the high court had granted an order to freeze five properties linked to an ongoing investigat­ion into fraud at the National Lotteries Commission.

The order grants the NPA AFU and the SIU permission to freeze three luxury properties, a plot, and a portion of a farm that are linked to siphoning off lotteries grant funding meant for community developmen­t projects.

The SIU said the SAADA, under the directorsh­ip of Mafokate, applied for grant funding to assist unemployed youth in poor and rural areas of the country to impart skills in music, business, video, film production, dance, and the business of radio in South Africa.

 ?? | SIMONE KLEY Independen­t Newspapers ?? KWAITO musician and producer Arthur Mafokate.
| SIMONE KLEY Independen­t Newspapers KWAITO musician and producer Arthur Mafokate.

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