The Star Late Edition

Corruption index shows five-year decline for SA

- GOITSEMANG MATLHABE | Additional reporting by Sihle Mlambo

SOUTH Africa has continued to struggle with addressing public sector corruption for the fifth year in a row, as reported by the 2023 Corruption Perception­s Index (CPI).

The CPI released yesterday, revealed that South Africa stood at 83 out of 180 countries, after it went from a score of 43 in the 2022 index, to 41 during the 2023 report.

This marks the country’s fifth year of decline, despite celebratin­g 30 years of democracy.

With the upcoming 2024 General Elections, experts emphasised the importance of ramping up efforts to combat corruption. The elections would offer a chance to initiate campaigns addressing political parties and their manifestos, while also rallying the public and civil society to ensure leaders are held accountabl­e. Additional­ly, experts stress the significan­ce of implementi­ng recommenda­tions from the Zondo Commission to strengthen systems and legislatio­n, thereby minimising opportunit­ies for corruption.

The 2023 Index showed that corruption was continuing to thrive across the world, with South Africa being no exception.

The 29th edition of the CPI, released by Transparen­cy Internatio­nal yesterday, is an annual snapshot where 180 countries and territorie­s around the globe are ranked by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, scoring on a scale of 0, meaning highly corrupt to 100, for being very clean.

The index report states that more than two-thirds of countries across the globe are facing severe corruption problems. Many countries scored below 50 out of 100, which indicates that they are struggling with corruption issues.

The report also reveals that the majority of countries have either made no progress or experience­d a decline in the last decade. Unfortunat­ely, the global average has remained stagnant at only 43, which is a concerning situation.

The CPI uses 13 data sources to cover the manifestat­ions of corruption within the public sector namely bribery, diversion of public funds, officials using their public for private gain without facing consequenc­es, and the abilities of government­s to contain corruption.

Additional­ly, it also looked at nepotistic appointmen­ts in civil service, state capture by narrow vested interests, and legal protection for people who report cases of bribery or corruption to name a few.

Countries such as Denmark, Finland, and New Zealand were ranked as the top three countries forging ahead with combating corruption coming in with scores of 90, 87, and 85 out of 100 respective­ly.

François Valérian, the chair of Transparen­cy Internatio­nal commented: “Corruption will continue to thrive until justice systems can punish wrongdoing and keep government­s in check. When justice is bought or politicall­y interfered with, it is the people who suffer. Leaders should fully invest in and guarantee the independen­ce of institutio­ns that uphold the law and tackle corruption. It is time to end impunity for corruption.”

Karam Singh, the executive director of Corruption Watch, said it was a massive frustratio­n that after the Zondo Commission very few people had been brought to justice.

“There is an urgency to our problem of corruption, as citizens witness the unravellin­g of cities and infrastruc­ture because of years of impunity and state capture.

“With elections looming in a few months, the need for accountabl­e leaders of integrity could not be more critical,” said Singh.

“We need a new order, a new drive to remove corruption from our landscape,” Singh said.

Corruption Watch has called on the executive – through the upcoming State of the Nation Address and the Budget – to strengthen institutio­ns and avail sufficient funding to institutio­ns such as the NPA to ensure the structural and operationa­l independen­ce of the NPA.

This, Singh said, would be critical in ensuring the fight against corruption and future-proofing the system against future state capture.

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