The Star Late Edition

‘Formation of MK party gives ANC sleepless nights’


AS POLITICAL parties gear up for the upcoming provincial and general elections, some analysts described the emergence of uMkhonto weSizwe as the most exciting as it had a possibilit­y of harming the governing party in a big way.

Speaking to The Star, a political commentato­r and Citizen Forum spokespers­on, Dennis Bloem, said the MK party was a big threat to the ANC as it was very clear that former president Jacob Zuma would take a big chunk of the party's support in the coming elections.

Bloem said he was confident that the ANC was shivering every time they saw the big numbers the MK party was pulling at their rallies, because the ANC knew that some of the supporters were their members. “I am definitely sure MK is causing sleepless nights for the ANC,” he said.

Bloem, however, said this upcoming election would not produce an outright winner, saying that no party would garner 50+1 support. It would usher in a coalition government at the national level for the first time in the country, he said.

“It will be a very serious mistake if any party that garnered the majority votes in the election chooses only one political party to partner with.

“I will propose a Government of National Unity, where you bring in different parties, in that way, you stabilise the government,” Bloem said. With the formation of the MK party and many South Africans viewing it as the alternativ­e, this year's general elections are expected to be fiercely competitiv­e.

At the past weekend, the MK party continued to demonstrat­e its power when it held a rally at KwaXimba in the west of Durban where hundreds of its supporters came out in their numbers to listen to Zuma in an ANC stronghold region.

Zuma announced early last month that he would no longer campaign for the ANC but would instead campaign for the newly-formed uMkhonto weSizwe. Since Zuma's announceme­nt to campaign for the MK party, questions over his eligibilit­y to hold public office have been making the rounds.

Responding to the former president's eligibilit­y to hold office, Independen­t Electoral Commission (IEC) chief Sy Mamabolo said that even though the matter was not before the commission in a formal sense, they were dealing with it in abstract terms.

“The constituti­onal provisions Section 47 says that if you had been sentenced to more than 12 months imprisonme­nt without an option of a fine and in instances where you served the sentence, five years must have elapsed before they can hold office,” Mamabolo said.

 ?? ?? UMKHONTO weSizwe leader Jacob Zuma during the party’s rally at KwaXimba near Cato Ridge.
UMKHONTO weSizwe leader Jacob Zuma during the party’s rally at KwaXimba near Cato Ridge.

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