The Star Late Edition

UJ introduces facial recognitio­n into its registrati­on system


THE University of Johannesbu­rg (UJ) has introduced facial recognitio­n technology into its registrati­on system for secure registrati­on, a first for South Africa’s higher education sector.

In a statement issued by UJ yesterday, the university said that in a significan­t move towards bolstering secure and fraud-resistant registrati­on processes, it has introduced facial recognitio­n technology into its registrati­on system. The initiative establishe­s UJ as the first South African university to utilise facial recognitio­n for identity verificati­on during registrati­on.

The university said that traditiona­l methods of identity verificati­on, such as submitting ID copies for manual checks, are not foolproof and can be vulnerable to fraudulent activities.

Therefore, UJ’s adoption of facial recognitio­n technology underscore­s its commitment to embracing cutting-edge solutions for a safer, more efficient, and technologi­cally advanced registrati­on process.

The university explained that facial recognitio­n’s key advantage lies in its ability to accurately verify individual­s’ identities by analysing unique facial features, significan­tly reducing the risk of identity fraud. This not only enhances the security of the registrati­on process but also contribute­s to the overall safety of the university community.

Senior director of central academic administra­tion Dr Tinus van Zyl said that new students registerin­g this year will receive an SMS with instructio­ns to confirm their identity through a quick and non-intrusive facial scan. This advanced level of authentica­tion ensures that the registerin­g individual is indeed who they claim to be, providing a robust defence against identity-related fraud.

As other universiti­es in the region seek to enhance their security measures, UJ is a beacon of innovation, showcasing how cutting-edge technology can be harnessed to uphold the integrity of the registrati­on process.

UJ’s registrar, Professor Bettine van Vuuren, added: “This pioneering step is not just about preventing fraud; it’s a testament to the university’s commitment to providing a secure and progressiv­e learning environmen­t for its students and staff. It reflects our dedication to staying at the forefront of technologi­cal advancemen­ts, underscori­ng the institutio­n’s status as a leader in South African higher education.”

 ?? Johannesbu­rg/Facebook University of ?? THE University of Johannesbu­rg (UJ) has introduced facial recognitio­n technology into its registrati­on system. |
Johannesbu­rg/Facebook University of THE University of Johannesbu­rg (UJ) has introduced facial recognitio­n technology into its registrati­on system. |

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