The Independent on Saturday

Stolen loot finds its very own museum


ANTIQUITIE­S recovered after being looted in Italy and sold on the global black market have found their sanctuary in the heart of Rome.

The Museum for Rescued Art is housed in a spectacula­r hall within the majestic Diocletian Baths, ancient Rome’s largest bath complex.

Currently holding dozens of amphorae, coins and busts, the museum stages rotating exhibits aimed not just at showcasing the art, but recounting how it was rescued.

Some of the antiquitie­s were looted during illegal excavation­s of Etruscan necropolis­es north of Rome or from secret digs in the southern region of Puglia.

Many were smuggled out of Italy via a network of antique dealers and sold to foreign collectors.

Some of the objects highlighte­d were “resold or donated to major American museums” in the past, said museum director, French archaeolog­ist Stephane Verger.

Italy has waged legal and diplomatic battles lasting years as it seeks to recover its stolen artworks and plundered archaeolog­ical artefacts.

Two years ago it scored a major success.

The prestigiou­s Getty Museum in Los Angeles agreed to return to Italy a group of three life-size terracotta statues known as “Orpheus and the Sirens” dating from the 4th century BC, acknowledg­ing they had been illegally excavated.

They, too, made their way to the Museum for Rescued Art, part of a thematic exhibit on Italian terracotta.

“We don’t want to be like those big museums and simply show beautiful works,” said Verger.

“It is an educationa­l museum which shows all the dangers of internatio­nal traffickin­g.”

But the works do not stay here. “After being exhibited for some time, they are repatriate­d to other Italian museums,” Verger said precisely where they should have been all along had they not been smuggled out of the country.

Illegal excavation­s, such as when ancient burial sites are targeted by “tombaroli”, or grave robbers, are damaging in two key ways.

Archaeolog­ists are deprived of the looted objects themselves, but also key informatio­n on how, where and when they were found.

“Clandestin­e excavation­s have a very negative impact on our knowledge of ancient cultures,” Verger said.

“These days in archaeolog­ical work, context is about half the scientific value of the work,” he said.

The museum, which opened two years ago, is temporaril­y closed because of constructi­on works ahead of the 2025 Jubilee Year, during which millions of Catholic pilgrims are expected to visit Rome.

But when it re-opens, could it welcome “The Athlete of Fano”, a splendid ancient Greek statue in bronze that has been at the Getty for nearly 50 years?

The European Court of Human Rights ruled last month in favour of

Italy’s request to take back the statue, known in the US as “Victorious Youth”.

But Getty contests the decision and the case could be referred to the court’s Grand Chamber for further examinatio­n.

Discovered 60 years ago by Italian fishermen off the Adriatic coast of Fano in central Italy, the statue is believed to have been immediatel­y sold, changing hands several times before resurfacin­g on the art market in 1974.

The statue, which depicts a nude athlete with a wreath atop his head, was acquired from a German dealer by the J Paul Getty Museum for nearly $4 million.

As to whether the athlete will make a stopover to Rome’s museum, Verger said that “nothing is certain”.

 ?? TIZIANA FABI AFP | ?? MUSEO Nazionale Romano director Stephane Verger with some of the stolen treasures on exhibit at The Museum for Rescued Art in Rome.
TIZIANA FABI AFP | MUSEO Nazionale Romano director Stephane Verger with some of the stolen treasures on exhibit at The Museum for Rescued Art in Rome.
 ?? FABI AFP TIZIANA ?? MUSEO Nazionale Romano director Stephane Verger points to an exhibit on display at The Museum for Rescued Art in Rome. |
FABI AFP TIZIANA MUSEO Nazionale Romano director Stephane Verger points to an exhibit on display at The Museum for Rescued Art in Rome. |

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