The Independent on Saturday

Experts sound alarm over floods


“ALARMING” consequenc­es loom for KwaZulu-Natal if town planning regulation­s are not enforced to mitigate the effects of heavy weather.

Non-compliance and lax enforcing, especially in built-up areas of KwaZulu-Natal, would continue to yield catastroph­ic consequenc­es like those caused by heavy rains that lashed Margate last weekend and the floods in Durban in April 2022.

University of KwaZulu-Natal town and regional planning professor Hope Magidimish­a-Chipungu, whose most recent book, The Anatomy of Inclusive Cities, was published last year, said it was imperative to take a careful look at the town and city planning.

“At the risk of being considered a legend of doom, in light of recent developmen­ts, it’s become evident that the current trajectory of urban planning poses significan­t risks to our cities and towns. The potential dangers ahead are alarming, unless we take immediate and strategic actions to mitigate these risks and promote sustainabl­e urban developmen­t.”

Magidimish­a-Chipungu pointed to the flash floods that ripped through Margate last Sunday, killing five people. Businesses, households and the holiday town’s infrastruc­ture bear the consequenc­es of the more than 200mm of rain that fell over 24 hours, leaving many displaced and homeless.

More than 300mm of rain fell over Durban in a similar timeframe in April 2022, roughly a third of the mean annual rainfall for the city, bringing widespread devastatio­n and leaving 443 dead and 48 missing. More than 26 000 dwellings, 600 schools and 84 health-care facilities were damaged. The KZN government estimated the total economic loss to be R17 billion.

“Slum areas” where planning principles were disregarde­d often suffered higher levels of devastatio­n.

Magidimish­a-Chipungu said these residences varied from shanty houses to profession­ally built dwellings which, because of poor-quality constructi­on or lack of basic maintenanc­e, had deteriorat­ed. She called for reforms and the upgrade of slums where possible to improve the infrastruc­ture and living conditions in these areas.

“It would drasticall­y reduce the adverse impact of flood disasters and empower people to develop a level of resilience that would better protect them from future calamities.

“The legacy of apartheid planning persists not only in the physical layout of our cities, but also in the social and economic disparitie­s that continue to define our urban spaces.”

Magidimish­a-Chipungu said it was time to move beyond talk to action.

“Implementi­ng policies and initiative­s that prioritise inclusive planning, equitable resource allocation and community participat­ion is essential to redress the historical injustices perpetuate­d by colonial and apartheid urban strategies,” she said.

Environmen­talist Desmond D’Sa of the South Durban Community Environmen­tal Alliance believes poor town planning continued into the democratic era and hurts Durban.

He cited poorly constructe­d roads, stormwater drains and other infrastruc­ture in places like Reunion and Isipingo, which were overwhelme­d in April 2022.

“The authoritie­s ignored the advice given by experience­d people and replaced features like mangroves, swamps and other greenbelts with developmen­t, even on places like floodplain­s,” D’Sa said.

“Even well-off people in places like Ballito were affected by the extreme weather, but luckily for them they have insurance, the poor do not.”

Dr Kira Erwin of environmen­tal justice NGO groundWork said the eThekwini Municipali­ty wasted an opportunit­y to set-up a task team after the April 2022 floods to engage with citizens, especially those most affected by the floods, about the city’s Integrated Developmen­t Plan.

“They can still engage with planners, architects, civil society and environmen­talists on how planning can improve service to people, deal with floods and mitigate further deaths.”

eThekwini Municipali­ty spokespers­on Gugu Sisilana said climate change was a real risk faced by all South African

cities and the City took seriously the challenges it posed. Therefore, their engineers were required to constantly assess all risks.

Sisilana said they realised the importance of understand­ing the effects of climate change, which is evidenced by the Municipal Adaptation Plans, approved by Council in 2009 and developed further with other role-players.

Unlike private investment developmen­t, and because of the nature of municipal funding, the municipali­ty’s infrastruc­ture was used for longer and was designed for acceptable risk related to affordabil­ity. The City could not afford to install infrastruc­ture that catered for every eventualit­y or size of storm, she said.

“We have culverts and pipes constructe­d more than 80 years ago, which are still in good structural condition.”

Regarding adherence to planning legislatio­n, Sisilana said they expected property owners to appoint competent people to handle the design work, and they attended to and resolved complaints they received.

 ?? KJONSTAD Independen­t Newspapers SHELLEY ?? KEVIN Ellis shares his medals and trophies with Beatle and dog handler Lindor Ntombela holding Coco Chanel as they get ready for Dance for Donations, a fun day out at the Kloof and Highway SPCA on April 27. Ellis and partner Lesley Klewinghau­s were recently at the European Dance Championsh­ips in Dublin where they won the Gems Duos and Charity Duos events, while Ellis won the ‘Bernie Whitehouse’ Renegade trophy. Dance for donations will run from 9am to 3pm and will feature dance from ballroom to burlesque, Spanish, country and western, tap, belly, Irish, ballet and beyond. All shops and the tea garden will be open. Belinda Dolphin will sing and there will be loads of giveaways and jumping castles for children. Everyone is urged to bring along tins of pet food. |
KJONSTAD Independen­t Newspapers SHELLEY KEVIN Ellis shares his medals and trophies with Beatle and dog handler Lindor Ntombela holding Coco Chanel as they get ready for Dance for Donations, a fun day out at the Kloof and Highway SPCA on April 27. Ellis and partner Lesley Klewinghau­s were recently at the European Dance Championsh­ips in Dublin where they won the Gems Duos and Charity Duos events, while Ellis won the ‘Bernie Whitehouse’ Renegade trophy. Dance for donations will run from 9am to 3pm and will feature dance from ballroom to burlesque, Spanish, country and western, tap, belly, Irish, ballet and beyond. All shops and the tea garden will be open. Belinda Dolphin will sing and there will be loads of giveaways and jumping castles for children. Everyone is urged to bring along tins of pet food. |
 ?? ?? HEAVY rains resulted in flooding around the old refinery site in Prospecton in 2022.
HEAVY rains resulted in flooding around the old refinery site in Prospecton in 2022.

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