The Independent on Saturday

Paris dream comes true for Durban runner


STRIDING across the finish line at the Paris Marathon was a dream come true for Durban environmen­tal communicat­or Nomfundo Zuma.

Zuma, 31, from Adams Mission just south of Durban, said competing overseas had broadened her horizons.

“My trip to France was humbling, it opened a world of knowledge and experience I would like many young, especially black, women to experience.

“All it takes is the desire to change and to go out for that initial run and in no time you will be amazed by what your body is capable of doing,” said Zuma, who works for an environmen­tal conservati­on organisati­on.

She started running two years ago because she had always wanted to run the Comrades Marathon.

“I decided that when I turn 30, I’d run my first Comrades. I started training in July 2022 and ran my first Comrades Marathon last year.

“I have always been athletic. I still play in a social touch rugby team to keep fit and to destress after a long work day. I’ve always enjoyed taking part in sports and being outdoors. I believe movement is important to maintain a healthy mind and body, so that is what motivates me to keep going.”

Zuma said she had learned “an immeasurab­le amount about the anatomy of my body and how to nourish it to match the intensity of road running”, and had made many friends and acquaintan­ces by being part of the running community.

“The idea of running the Paris Marathon was planted in my mind by a friend who has ran a number of marathons abroad. His influence, coupled with my love for running and travelling, pushed me, giving me the opportunit­y to travel abroad for the first time,” she said.

Zuma is studying towards a Master’s degree in Science Communicat­ion to enhance her knowledge and understand­ing of the marine conservati­on space she works in.

“On June 9, I will take part in my second Comrades Marathon. When I complete the race, I will receive my ‘back-to-back’ medal, a tradition for runners that complete the down and up run in consecutiv­e years,” said Zuma.

 ?? KJONSTAD Independen­t Newspapers | SHELLEY ?? DURBAN runner Nomfundo Zuma is still jumping for joy at having completed the Paris Marathon this month, and is ready to earn back-to-back medals in June’s Comrades Marathon.
KJONSTAD Independen­t Newspapers | SHELLEY DURBAN runner Nomfundo Zuma is still jumping for joy at having completed the Paris Marathon this month, and is ready to earn back-to-back medals in June’s Comrades Marathon.

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