The Independent on Saturday

Love for animals in need unchained


HOW far are you willing to go to help an animal in need?

Kloof & Highway SPCA operations manager Sarah van Heerden will cycle 1 600 kms, 24 000 metres of climbing, unsupporte­d, non-stop from Wellington in the Western Cape over 53 passes and back to Wellington to raise money to help prevent animal cruelty.

“My inspiratio­n when taking on an adventure and challenge of this nature is always to put back into an area of need that I feel strongly about and that will always be animal welfare,” she said. April is Animal Anti-Cruelty month. She said the Kloof and Highway SPCA was driven to provide education to communitie­s and sterilisat­ion and treatments for all animals.

“We can never do this alone as we are a non-profit organisati­on that receives no government funding. My inspiratio­n comes from witnessing animal cruelty first-hand every single day. If an animal can live with such pain and discomfort its entire life, then I surely can cycle 1 600km,” she said.

Van Heerden said a ride like this one, which she will begin on Tuesday at 4am, demanded the correct preparatio­n and training to be fit enough to endure that distance.

“I do at least one long ride a week – that can be up to 8 hours – and then possibly a couple of shorter 4-hour rides. I combine this with training for Comrades with my daughter Alex. In terms of the route, you need to have a rough plan so you know where you are going

to be able to ‘refuel’ and, when riding into the night, what accommodat­ion you may be able to get along the way.

“You carry all your own clothing, lights, batteries, food and spares and do not rely on outside help,” she said.

Van Heerden said the Kloof and Highway SPCA had a running cost of about R1.5 million a month to cover kennels, the inspectora­te and a clinic.

“We have 80 staff and run 15 charity shops, a tea garden and a nursery to raise much-needed funds. We also hold

regular fund-raisers including golf days, auctions and trail runs. We need a new inspectora­te vehicle, several costly items for the clinic, including new consulting tables and a theatre table, and funds to ensure we can continue to hold outreach clinics in the far outlying areas where people cannot afford a private vet, yet the animals need our help.

“I made the goal for this event R100 000 but our requiremen­ts far exceed that. However, you do not want to frighten people away and we are aware that the economy is tight for everyone,” she said.

Van Heerden considers her pets a part of her family.

“Our family is not just my husband and two children: it includes our dogs, who are an enormous part of our lives. All four are rescues and we are grateful every day that they are part of our family. They are loving, loyal, entertaini­ng, annoying and they are truly the best.”

She encouraged people to get involved in animal welfare.

“Put your hand up and do something. Nothing is too small and no action goes unnoticed. Animals need our help and sadly are often overlooked or forgotten. We need your help. Please do not leave it up to someone else because that someone else is you.

“The Kloof and Highway SPCA needs your support, the animals need your support. We honestly cannot do this on our own and witnessing the closure of several animal organisati­ons is tragic.

“Please be that person who does something – help us get the dog off the short chain, help us sterilise the female dog who has had 5 litters, help us educate people who know no better.”

You can donate on backabuddy. or via EFT or direct bank deposit at: Kloof & Highway SPCA

First National Bank

Cheque account

Account number: 5073048574­1 Branch code: 221526 Beneficiar­y reference: Your mobile number (“So we can thank you,” said Van Heerden).

 ?? ?? KLOOF & Highway SPCA operations manager Sarah van Heerden will cycle 1 600kms, climbing 24 000m, unsupporte­d, from Wellington in the Western Cape over 53 passes and back to Wellington to raise money to help prevent animal cruelty.
KLOOF & Highway SPCA operations manager Sarah van Heerden will cycle 1 600kms, climbing 24 000m, unsupporte­d, from Wellington in the Western Cape over 53 passes and back to Wellington to raise money to help prevent animal cruelty.

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