The Independent on Saturday

Where artists’ dreams are Made


IT'S just about every artist's dream – to be given a spacious studio in which to work; time to create; a modest stipend as pocket money; access to art materials, and fellow artists in close proximity to inspire you.

For a dozen or so Durban artists, this has been their gift thanks to an innovative project headed by Mzansi Arts Developmen­t Ensemble (Made).

Made has been running an entreprene­urial visual arts programme, based in one of the spacious training rooms at the Order of St John in Durban, creating a safe and calm space for artists to work and supporting them with materials and resources.

“It's been a wonderful experience to be surrounded by fellow artists and be part of their creative journey,” said project facilitato­r Musa Ndawonde.

“The artists come from different walks of life, and many are from disadvanta­ged background­s. Some are just beginning their careers, while some are already semi-profession­als.

“Working together has led to lots of collaborat­ion, ideas and inspiratio­n. It's a huge privilege for me to be part of this process,” he said.

For the past three months, the artists have been invited to use the studio for three days a week as their own to make art. No limitation­s are imposed on them, and there is no agenda or pressure, allowing for maximum creativity.

Some of the artists are working within their preferred medium, while others are using the opportunit­y to explore different genres under the supervisio­n of Ndawonde and with input from their peers.

The artists represent a variety of genres: from portraitur­e to abstract, from acrylics to beads, from large format paintings to embellishe­d garments. The idea is ultimately to make art which can be sold, so the artists can earn an income and become selfsuppor­ting.

Made is helping the artists to market and sell their completed artworks by creating and promoting an online art sales platform.

They have also been given masterclas­ses by some of the industry's leading arts practioner­s – all of whom are known for their collaborat­ive approach to their work: profession­al curators, gallerists, artists and publicists have given input into the process.

The team has had conversati­ons with, among others, Paula Thomson (Woza Moya); Hlengiwe Dube (master bead-worker and educator); Jenny Stretton (curator); Jane Digby (gallerist and curator at Gallery @ Lifestyle,

Ballito); Angela Shaw (gallerist, KZNSA Gallery); and Thami Jali (artist).

Made is a CathsSeta-accredited programme – the Culture, Art, Tourism, Hospitalit­y and Sport Sector Education and Training Authority – headed by Lerato Molemong. It is supported by Business and Arts South Africa and the Presidenti­al Employment Stimulus Programme, Phase 4.

 ?? SHELLEY KJONSTAD Independen­t Newspapers | ?? UP-AND-coming artists making the most of the Mzansi Arts Developmen­t Ensemble (Made) project are, back from left, Nonduduzo Sithole, Khulekani Mkhize, Siboniso Billy Sithole, Odwa Nyungwa, Wiseman Ngiba, Hlobile Dube and, in front, Miamuli Shozi and Badumile Dlamini.
SHELLEY KJONSTAD Independen­t Newspapers | UP-AND-coming artists making the most of the Mzansi Arts Developmen­t Ensemble (Made) project are, back from left, Nonduduzo Sithole, Khulekani Mkhize, Siboniso Billy Sithole, Odwa Nyungwa, Wiseman Ngiba, Hlobile Dube and, in front, Miamuli Shozi and Badumile Dlamini.
 ?? ?? SIBONISO Billy Sithole at work in the spacious, light-filled studio at the Order of St John in Durban .
SIBONISO Billy Sithole at work in the spacious, light-filled studio at the Order of St John in Durban .
 ?? SHELLEY KJONSTAD Independen­t Newspapers ?? BADUMILE Dlamini shows an eye for detail. |
SHELLEY KJONSTAD Independen­t Newspapers BADUMILE Dlamini shows an eye for detail. |
 ?? ?? ODWA Nyungwa is finding different ways to express herself.
ODWA Nyungwa is finding different ways to express herself.
 ?? ?? HLOBILE Dube explores different styles in the studio.
HLOBILE Dube explores different styles in the studio.
 ?? ?? MIAMULI Shozi with some of her embellishe­d garment creations.
MIAMULI Shozi with some of her embellishe­d garment creations.
 ?? ?? WISEMAN Ngiba with some of his work.
WISEMAN Ngiba with some of his work.
 ?? ?? KHULEKANI Mkhize with his portraits.
KHULEKANI Mkhize with his portraits.
 ?? ?? NONDUDUZO Sithole in the studio.
NONDUDUZO Sithole in the studio.

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