The Citizen (Gauteng)




1. See grants etc. formulated for those working in espionage? (6,6)

8. Rotating forces discussion­s, reportedly (7)

9. That fellow marks straight part in lower edge of dress (7)

11. Companion arranged meal then in Gloucester­shire town (10)

12. Element in some shady network (4)

14. Around November, record gains typical of some flights? (4,4)

16. Learner following winding roads regarding back of plant? (6)

17. Bring back leading trophy (3)

19. Talk excitedly with bachelor in front of throng right away (6)

21. Old boy behind wicket left in stand that’s less stable (8)

24. Reduced screen for small bay (4)

25. This man Ben after misbehavin­g gets expulsion (10)

27. Nature’s complicate­d for walk in a relaxed manner (7)

28. Female in the past protecting a bishop in mess (7)

29. Colleague in stream at one time? (12)


1. Impulse in younger relative to be one leading operations (7)

2. Matter before youth’s case facing everyone in council site? (6,4)

3. Eccentric aping Sue and losing intensity? (6,2)

4. Artist found in sort of sham religious retreat (6)

5. Guides ignoring hard trees (4)

6. Moment with introducti­ons for proud soldiers showing muscle (7)

7. Criticism over the French limiting support for small fish (12)

10. First person probing later hoax in Barking gets joy


13. Preoccupat­ion stirred up shy hero Bob (5,5)

15. Actor Arthur mentioned time of difficulty (3)

18. Very desirable food tried casually with no end of bread (2,3,3)

20. British four given nothing for all to see with a cold shelter (7)

22. Alec in wrong dress initially in volcanic country (7)

23. Stop relative getting cask (6)

26. German got tolerable sandwiches (4)

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