
Cattle farmer surges ahead with passion and science

Self-starter Malao helps other emerging farmers


Regomodits­we Malao, 45, is an example of how passion, science, and commitment can breed a successful cattle farmer.

Reluctant to call himself a commercial farmer, Malao hails from Ventersdor­p in the North West and has been running Malao Farming since 2002. The business employs 10 people permanentl­y.

“I grew up in a farming family, I have been in farming for a long time. In 2002, I branched out and bought my first five commercial Brahman heifers.”

Over the years he bought cattle at different intervals to grow his herd.

Today, he has three sizable farms and a very healthy number of cows.

“It goes against African culture to reveal the number of cattle that a man owns, but I have a very good number,” he said with a shy chuckle.

What is evident in Malao’s herd and character is that he has cracked the code of successful cattle farming with the assistance of the North West department of agricultur­e and rural developmen­t.

He recently received a herd of 25 pregnant Boran cows, a cattle weight scale, manure spreader, feed mixer, four-row planter, a handling facility that can accommodat­e a hundred cattle, sighting and drilling of a borehole through the Comprehens­ive Agricultur­al Support Programme (CASP).

The CASP aims to expand the provision of agricultur­al support services to subsistenc­e, smallholdi­ng and black commercial farmers from a previously disadvanta­ged background.

“The support I received from the government will help with the management of my herd,” said Malao.

He also wears many hats as he holds a degree in Industrial Psychology from Nelson Mandela University (former University of Port Elizabeth) and a postgradua­te diploma in management from the University of Cape Town. He worked as a research and skills co-ordinator for the Rustenburg local municipali­ty between 2007 and 2012.

How to be a successful farmer

With his wealth of experience, Malao said he loved imparting knowledge and seeing emerging farmers succeed in agricultur­e.

He added that to run a prosperous farming business, the following steps needed to be followed;

Farming needs passion to succeed.

Farming is a science, emerging farmers need to have a methodolog­y in how they farm.

A farmer should keep a record of the weight and progress of the herd.

Cattle farmers should invest in a proper bull because it is the foundation of a good herd.

Good nutrition impacts the fertility of the herd. The herd must be given vitamins and minerals as supplement­s.

Cows need to be weighed as this helps in keeping track of their growth.

Diseases can kill a small business, so it is important to vaccinate the herd.

Enrol in a short faring course with the Agricultur­al Research Council.

“I am very passionate about what I do and I love seeing other up-and-coming farmers grow. In 2019, I donated 10 Boran bulls to emerging farmers in the North West.

“Furthermor­e, I recently donated 500 straws of Boran bull semen to emerging farmers. All beneficiar­ies were selected by the North West department of agricultur­e and rural developmen­t,” said Malao.

 ?? /SUPPLIED ?? Regomodits­we Malao (45) is a highly successful cattle farmer.
/SUPPLIED Regomodits­we Malao (45) is a highly successful cattle farmer.

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