
Five have signed GNU statement of intent

ANC says further talks are under way

- By Jeanette Chabalala

Five political parties have officially signed the statement of intent to participat­e in the government of national unity (GNU), the ANC announced on Monday.

The party’s national spokespers­on, Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri, said the five parties are the ANC, DA, IFP, GOOD and the Patriotic Alliance, which represent 273 seats (68%) in the National Assembly.

“This collaborat­ive effort is rooted in our shared commitment to uphold the constituti­on, promote nonraciali­sm, and ensure social justice and equity for all South Africans.”

Bhengu-Motsiri said discussion­s with other parties were ongoing, adding that all politipove­rty cal parties represente­d in legislatur­es were welcome to join the GNU even after its formation.

“Historical­ly, our party has demonstrat­ed superior reasoning and leadership, evident in our continued presence in eight out of nine provinces. The GNU, an ANC-led initiative, ensures that no single party, whether the DA, IFP or others can hold our national agenda hostage,” she said.

“The ANC once again takes this opportunit­y to invite political parties who resolved to define themselves outside this effort to reconsider and join the GNU. The results of the 2024 elections, where the ANC secured 40% of the national vote and faced challenges in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal, necessitat­ed co-operation with other parties to advance our transforma­tive agenda.

“This collaborat­ive initiative is founded on core principles, upholding the constituti­on and rule of law, promoting nonraciali­sm and nonsexism, and ensuring social justice, redress, equity, and alleviatio­n. “Our aim is to foster nation-building, social cohesion, and unity in diversity while maintainin­g peace, stability, and safe comincludi­ng munities. Ensuring accountabi­lity, transparen­cy and community participat­ion in governance is paramount.”

Bhengu-Motsiri said the GNU’s priorities and minimum programme were fully aligned with the ANC’s longstandi­ng commitment­s and policies. The party was dedicated to achieving rapid, inclusive and sustainabl­e economic growth, job creation, land reform, industrial­isation, and infrastruc­ture developmen­t.

“Our objective is to create a just society that addresses poverty, spatial inequaliti­es, food security, and the high cost of living, while protecting workers’ rights and delivering quality basic services.

“The GNU will ensure representa­tion in government and legislatur­es by all participat­ing parties, making decisions by consensus, with mechanisms for conflict resolution where necessary.”

 ?? /FREDDY MAVUNDA ?? IFP leader Velenkosin­i Hlabisa flanked by officials Narend Singh and Albert Mncwango at the 2024 Elections.
/FREDDY MAVUNDA IFP leader Velenkosin­i Hlabisa flanked by officials Narend Singh and Albert Mncwango at the 2024 Elections.

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