
Cop gets 3 lives for wife, siblings murder

Khoza killed trio at meeting to resolve domestic violence

- By Mandla Khoza

A former policeman who felt insulted after being called a “boy” during a family meeting to resolve a dispute with his wife has been handed three life sentences for shooting her and her two siblings to death.

Handing down judgment at the Mpumalanga High Court yesterday, Judge Vincent Takalani Ratshibvum­o said the way Sizwe Cedric Khoza killed the three showed that he was a cruel person and a disgrace to the SAPS.

“Instead of making the police proud of you, you discourage­d them from associatin­g with you.

The way you committed these crimes

... you displayed a high level of cruelty,” Ratshibvum­o said.

He ordered that Khoza should not be eligible for parole until he had served 25 years of his three life terms, which will run concurrent­ly. Khoza fatally shot his wife Nomthandaz­o Mnisi, her sister Colisile Mnisi, 32, and their brother Dennis Mkhatshwa, 42, on April 30 last year at Masoyi during a meeting meant to resolve the couple’s domestic issues. During the meeting, an argument ensued, where Dennis called Khoza a small boy. That angered Khoza, who went to his bedroom, took his service firearm and returned to the sitting room “to show them what a small boy is capable of”. He then fatally shot the three siblings. Both sisters were nurses.

Ratshibvum­o said: “You failed to ask for divorce having had many disagreeme­nts [with your wife] which led to you being an accused at some point. The court, after assessing all testimonie­s, does not find a reason to deviate from the pre- scribed sentence of the crimes committed.

“Therefore, the court on count one finds you guilty, count two, the court finds you guilty, and on count three, the court also finds you guilty.

“Because a person has one life, your are to serve 25 years of the first count and the two life sentences with run concurrent­ly with the first count.

“I hope you will find it easy to tell your two children ... that you killed their mother while she was on her knees begging for her life.”

Mandla Mnisi, who is the victims’ cousin, said the family was happy with the judgment. “Though our loved ones will not come back to life, as a family we are happy. This man is evil... he doesn’t deserve to come back and live outside.”

National Prosecutin­g Authority spokespers­on Monica Nyuswa said they were pleased with the outcome of the case. “We are happy as the NPA, the judge gave the perpetrato­r the prescribed sentence and that will serve as a deterrent for other people who want to break the law,” said Nyuswa.

 ?? ?? Former police officer Sizwe Cedric Khoza in court. /
Former police officer Sizwe Cedric Khoza in court. /
 ?? ?? Nomthandaz­o Mnisi
Nomthandaz­o Mnisi
 ?? ?? Colisile Mnisi
Colisile Mnisi

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