
‘My son was not a gangster, he hated guns’

Mom’s agony as child is shot dead, 3 friends survive in Westbury

- By Noxolo Sibiya

The mother of a young man who was gunned down in Westbury, west of Johannesbu­rg, has recalled how his father sat with his dead body for hours after he was killed.

Luciano Joseph, 22, was shot while sitting with four friends outside Dulcie flats on Sunday.

The group had been chatting when a man from a silver-grey Toyota Corolla stopped next to them and opened fire. Two of Joseph’s friends were seriously injured, with one sustaining 15 gunshot wounds.

Only one of the four managed to escape unharmed.

Joseph’s mother Nicky Stevens recalled: “I received a phone call after 8pm telling me that my son was shot and I needed to rush to the scene. When we arrived there, he was lying on the ground covered with a foil blanket.

“We waited for hours, we could not touch his body and stood from afar but his father could not; he sat on a rock near his son’s body watching over him while we waited for police and forensics. He sat there from 8pm and forensics only arrived at 1am on Monday.”

She said Joseph’s father, Quinton, watched his son take his last breath. “My son was not a gangster, he hated guns but they killed him. Innocent people are dying and for what? He was not part of these gangs,” she said. “He had promised to buy us a house and give us a better life.”

Stevens said her son was killed just days before he could start his new job at a soft drink manufactur­ing company.

The area, just a stone’s throw away from Westbury, is plagued by gang violence between two rival groups, the Fast Guns and the Varados, who are also found in areas such as Claremont, Riverlea and Noorgesig.

Asked about the upcoming elections and whether she hoped her vote will help make a difference in helping eradicate gangsteris­m in her area, Stevens said: “I am not sure what difference my vote with do come the 29th.

“My vote has not made a difference all these years, why would I be hopeful now? The crime is out of control, our police are failing us and no one is doing anything about it.”

One of the witnesses said the man who alighted from the Toyota Corolla started firing as he exited the car. “Luciano was shot in the back. He was struggling and gasping for breath so one of his friends turned back to try and help him up, but he also got hit many times.

“The other two managed to run into the flats, one of them was hit in the knee,” the witness said. “There were three other people in the [getaway] car. One was the driver, the other two were at the back.”

According to another witness, the area near the Dulcie flats is known to be the Fast Guns territory. These flats are separated from Westbury by a street. “There is a chance they [Varados] were trying to send a message to the Fast Guns, but why shoot people who are not involved?”

Gauteng police spokespers­on Lt-Col Mavela Masondo said police were in need of the public’s assistance to help trace the suspects who were driving in a vehicle that had no number plate.

“The police are investigat­ing cases of murder and attempted murder. No arrest has been made and investigat­ion is underway,” he said.

 ?? /SUPPLIED ?? The late Luciano Joseph
/SUPPLIED The late Luciano Joseph

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