
More voting stations needed in UK


The 2024 South African elections have also roused the interest of expatriate­s living abroad, as seen with the voting in London this week. With more than 24,000 registered South African voters, the London voting station stood out as the biggest abroad.

This fact speaks volumes about the extent of the eligible electorate in the UK. However, it also raises questions about accessibil­ity and representa­tion.

The presence of a significan­t South African expat community in the UK underscore­s the importance of their participat­ion in the democratic process. We maintain strong ties to our home country and wish to exercise our right to vote.

Historical­ly, expats faced challenges in voting due to distance, lack of informatio­n and administra­tive hurdles.

Of course, London’s status as the primary voting station for South Africans in the UK reflects practical considerat­ions. It is a major hub for expatriate­s, offering convenient access to services, including voting.

However, the UK is a large country and South Africans are spread across the length and breadth of it, including many who live hundreds of miles away from London.

Though the Electoral Commission (IEC) confirmed that voting at the London station was over two days, this concentrat­ed approach may have inadverten­tly disenfranc­hised those living far from London.

More voting stations for the SA election are needed in other key centres of the UK where the numbers of SA expatriate­s are significan­t.

Moreover, it beggars belief that in 2024 there is still reluctance to embrace technology and apply electronic voting !

Let us advocate for a system that truly reflects the voices of South Africans, regardless of their location. Nhlanhla Thobela, Devon, UK

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