
Your Stars

What kind of day will tomorrow be? Find out what the stars forecast under your sign


Aries March 21 — April 21

Doing what you can to get a jump on the day will not only set you up for success, but it will also give you an opportunit­y to kick back and relax later.

Taurus April 21 — May 21

You don't need to rush your decision-making process. The answers will reveal themselves soon enough.

Gemini May 21 — June 22

Embrace the love and support you get from your friends, and avoid getting caught in the trap of self-doubt.

Cancer June 22 — July 23

When it comes to your career or being in a position of leadership, you know exactly what you need to do. Follow your gut.

Leo July 23 — Aug 24

You never know who you might be able to help with a word of encouragem­ent or an insightful observatio­n. Share your wisdom with others.

Virgo Aug 24 — Sept 23

You might be presented with an offer or opportunit­y. Before you accept, make sure that it's legit, especially if you're partnering with someone else.

Libra Sept 23 Oct 23

Your generosity is a gift, but don't overextend yourself to others today.

Scorpio Oct 23 — Nov 23

Yes, there's work to be done, but don't overdo it. You need a break.

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 Dec 22

It can be fun to meet and connect with people. However, knowing when to take a step back and turn inward can help you conserve your energy.

Capricorn Dec 22 — Jan 21

If you have a backlog of work to finish, you can accomplish much today. Hopefully, this will allow you to spend time with loved ones without work on your mind.

Aquarius Jan 21 — Feb 20

Expect your wittiness and charm to be a hit today. Meanwhile, don't undersell your talents.

Pisces Feb 20 — Mar 21

A financial matter should work out well for you. If there's something you want, be confident in going after it.

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