
Malaika missed message DA is trying to convey to SA


An opinion piece by Malaika Mahlatsi in Sowetan (May 8, ‘DA’s Swart Gevaar tactic in its advert exposes party’s obsession with race’) refers.

The writer attempts to create a race narrative where there is none. She probably fell into the same trap as most commentato­rs who analyse everything the DA does through a racial lens.

Since she missed the message in the advert, let me break it down for her. In case anyone hadn’t noticed, our country is literally on fire. I am surprised that it had to take an election campaign advert from the DA to jolt people out of their stupor. Now that everyone is awake, my advice is that we should not add fuel to the raging fire by giving the ANC and its proxy parties five more years.

If we make that mistake, I can predict with confidence we will be in the same league with Zimbabwe or even worse. The ANC is dead set on turning SA into a socialist backwater through dangerous policies such as the National Health Insurance, the EFF wants to enforce a policy of expropriat­ion without compensati­on, Zuma’s MK Party wants to abolish the constituti­on entirely, and Gayton Mackenzie’s PA is willing to lend a hand to the doomsday coalition.

With this horror show in store for us, I understand the message the DA was trying to convey with its flag advert. If the doomsday coalition gets its way after May 29, we will have much more to worry about than a burning flag.

I will not use my vote in aid of parties that want to burn SA to the ground. I hope the majority of South Africans love this country as much as I do and will not use their votes to destroy it by voting for a doomsday coalition. Dorraine Stevens, Centurion

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