
DA slams Chiloane for retraction of grade 12’s LO project

‘Poor access to clean water’ topic


After the retraction of a life orientatio­n project sent to all Johannesbu­rg East district directors and grade 12 life orientatio­n educators, the DA has condemned this action to influence how pupils vote in the May 29 general elections.

The project titled “Poor access to clean water” was issued to pupils on April 17, however, according to the memo sent by Gauteng MEC for education, Matome Chiloane, the retraction was based on the fact that the topic may have an impact on pupils’ voting choices and certain elements may appear to advocate for specific views or influence voting options.

“Therefore, in the interest of upholding our commitment to promote a healthy learning environmen­t it has been decided to retract the life orientatio­n project,” part of the education department’s memo reads.

The department said a new project would be shared with schools soon. The DA has labelled this an abuse of power.

“This sudden decision by MEC Chiloane raises questions because the grade 12 learners were supposed to investigat­e and finish the assignment before the beginning of examinatio­ns towards the end of May. It is unacceptab­le for the MEC to dictate what topics learners must research because he is anxious about what they may discover,” Solly Msimanga, DA Gauteng provincial leader said in a statement.

He also said that education should not be affected by political interferen­ce.

“Since some of these learners are affected by the lack of access to clean water, it is important to spread awareness of this issue by allowing learners to gain more insight into its causes and possible solutions rather than trying to conceal the failures of the ANC in the 30 years of our democracy.

“The DA demands that MEC Chiloane stop meddling with the curriculum going forward and denounces this action. His decision …has severe effects, … causing stress for learners who should be studying for their upcoming examinatio­ns rather than having to research a different subject in less time, Sowetan reporters

 ?? ?? Gauteng education MEC Matome Chiloane has been accused of political interferen­ce in education.
Gauteng education MEC Matome Chiloane has been accused of political interferen­ce in education.

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