
PAC stalwart Pheko was an intellectu­al heritage leader

‘Advocate for African unity will inspire generation­s’

- By Sibongile Mashaba

PAC stalwart Motsoko Pheko has been described as an invaluable contributo­r to human developmen­t, one who had unwavering commitment to the principles of freedom and human dignity and a father figure.

Tributes continue to pour in for Dr Pheko, a Struggle veteran who died on Friday at the age of 93.

President Cyril Ramaphosa said: “With the passing of Motsoko Pheko, we are grateful for the extended lifetime during which this son of Lesotho became a champion of our liberation Struggle and fought for the rights of dispossess­ed and landless people who had endured colonialis­m and apartheid.

“His diverse qualificat­ions and interests made Motsoko Pheko an invaluable contributo­r to human developmen­t and the intellectu­al heritage of our nation and that of our continent whose causes and accomplish­ments were uppermost in his consciousn­ess and activism.”

He said as the country celebrated 30 years of freedom, “we honour all individual­s and political traditions who brought about the dispensati­on in which we live today and to whom we remain indebted”.

Pheko has written more than 30 books on theology, history and internatio­nal law. He was at one time president of the PAC. The party’s current president, Mzwanele Nyhontso, said: “He was a tree of knowledge on the position of the Africanist­s, articulati­ng the national question at every stage where he engaged a variety of people.”

ANC national spokespers­on Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri said Pheko’s legacy, as an esteemed academic and passionate advocate for African unity, would inspire generation­s to come.

“His unwavering commitment to the principles of freedom and human dignity resonates deeply with the values that underpin our democracy.

“May the memory of Dr Motsoko Pheko serve as a beacon of hope and a reminder of the enduring power of the human spirit in the face of adversity.”

UDM leader Bantu Holomisa said he regarded Pheko as a father figure.

“Pheko’s pivotal role in the Struggle is widely recognised, characteri­sed by his uncompromi­sing nature and steadfast dedication to the PAC. His unwavering commitment to the issue of land rights exemplifie­s his profound passion for justice and equality.

“Despite his initial appearance of being brisk, Motsoko Pheko was known to be a deeply warm individual upon closer acquaintan­ce. His distinctiv­e pan-Africancol­oured scarves made him easily recognisab­le from afar, adding to his memorable presence... His legacy will continue to be cherished and remembered fondly,” Holomisa said.

 ?? /TSHEKO KABASIA ?? Former president of the PAC Motsoko Pheko has written more than 30 books on theology, history and internatio­nal law.
/TSHEKO KABASIA Former president of the PAC Motsoko Pheko has written more than 30 books on theology, history and internatio­nal law.

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