
Your Stars


What kind of day will tomorrow be? Find out what the stars forecast under your sign

Aries March 21 — April 21

Beware of the need for instant gratificat­ion. Good things take time.

Taurus April 21 — May 21

Whatever challenges you might encounter today, know that you have the power to overcome them. Believe in yourself.

Gemini May 21 — June 22

Be mindful of ruminating on things you can't change. Redirect your energy toward something more encouragin­g.

Cancer June 22 — July 23

Don't compare yourself to others. Acknowledg­e what makes you awesome.

Leo July 23 — Aug 24

Avoid getting into petty power struggles. If you're put off by someone, get to the root of why. They could be teaching you something about yourself.

Virgo Aug 24 — Sept 23

Try not to overwork yourself today. Take it easy.

Libra Sept 23 — Oct 23

It could be easy to overindulg­e in things that aren't necessaril­y good for your well-being. Practicing moderation can help keep you on track.

Scorpio Oct 23 — Nov 23

It might be necessary to take some space from folks today. If your energy feels funky, try taking a salt bath to clear the negative vibes.

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 — Dec 22

Write down any plans or ideas that you have rather than acting on them. Give yourself time to sit with them and get clear on the next best steps to take.

Capricorn Dec 22 — Jan 21

You are creative and resourcefu­l. You can put these talents to good use.

Aquarius Jan 21 — Feb 20

You may be ready to let go of feelings that you've been holding onto for too long. Free yourself.

Pisces Feb 20 — Mar 21 Sometimes naming your fears can give you the courage to overcome them.

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