MiniMag - The Educational Children's Magazine

Let freedom rin Getting to know Ameri


Let’s begin in the 18th century, when America was a collection of colonies under British rule. Tensions simmered as the colonists sought freedom from unjust governance. On 4 July 1776, a group of brave individual­s known as the Founding Fathers signed the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce, boldly declaring America’s autonomy. This historic document marked the birth of a new nation, founded on principles of liberty, equality and justice.

What do Americans celebrate?

Every year on 4 July, Americans gather to commemorat­e this momentous occasion. Festivitie­s abound, from dazzling fireworks lighting up the night sky to vibrant parades marching through the streets. Families and friends come together for picnics, barbecues and joyous gatherings, adorned in red, white and blue – the colours of the American flag.

Why it matters:

Independen­ce Day is more than just a day off from school or work; it’s a time to reflect on the values that define America. Freedom, democracy and unity are celebrated and cherished. It serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by those who came before us and a call to uphold the principles that make our world a better place for all.

What can you do?

Even if you’re not in America, you can join in the spirit of Independen­ce Day! Learn about the history of this significan­t day through books, videos or by chatting with friends from America. Host your own mini-parade with homemade flags, or create colourful fireworks artwork to display.

Most importantl­y, take a moment to appreciate the freedom and opportunit­ies you have in your own country.

So, whether you’re in the bustling streets of New York

City or the serene countrysid­e of Japan, let us unite in celebratio­n of freedom and independen­ce.

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