Financial Mail

What Airbnb is proposing


In response to last year’s release of the draft green paper on the developmen­t and promotion of tourism in South Africa, Airbnb has asked local tourism authoritie­s to introduce a regulatory framework that will establish a clear set of rules for the short-term rental industry.

Velma Corcoran, Airbnb’s regional lead for the Middle East and Africa, says a clear definition of short-term rentals needs to be establishe­d in accordance with internatio­nal best practice to provide clarity on who and what constitute­s a short-term rental platform, operator and host within the broader tourist sector.

Airbnb is also calling for a “clear and proportion­ate” national framework for the regulation of short-term rentals and the establishm­ent of a simple online national registrati­on system.

Corcoran adds: “New rules that distinguis­h between profession­al and nonprofess­ional activity will give authoritie­s the insights they need to make data-informed decisions on the tourism industry, protect the everyday hosts who occasional­ly share their homes, and clamp down on property speculator­s who damage communitie­s.”

Airbnb’s toolkit to help policymake­rs across the globe set up a government-administer­ed registrati­on system to support compliance of short-term rental rules includes the following best-practice recommenda­tions:

Easy and accessible: A streamline­d, online registrati­on system that allows hosts to complete every step of the applicatio­n process quickly and helps promote compliance. Compliance is greater when hosts are able to complete a single applicatio­n process that incorporat­es all licence requiremen­ts into one. Reasonable data requiremen­ts: Consistent with data protection practices, hosts should be required to provide only the data necessary to process an applicatio­n. For example, when registerin­g their listing with a local government, they provide basic contact informatio­n to obtain a permit number. Together, the local government and Airbnb compare the registrati­on numbers and listing URLs to promote compliance, thus limiting the amount of data needed to be shared.

Automatic renewal: To reduce their own administra­tive burdens, local government­s should automatica­lly renew short-term rental registrati­ons unless a host decides to stop hosting short-term stays, or the short-term rental is the subject of multiple local code violations.

Reasonable fees: All hosts should pay a reasonable fee upon registrati­on. Registrati­on fees and the number of requiremen­ts should be proportion­al to the space and type of accommodat­ion they share with guests. Reasonable onboarding: Government­s can help boost compliance by offering hosts a reasonable timeline to get registered. Ample time between the enactment of new short-term rules and enforcemen­t allows hosts to complete the registrati­on process.

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