Financial Mail


The old political system needs an overhaul. A combinatio­n of technology and the introducti­on of independen­t candidates could reinvigora­te South Africa’s democracy

- By Ghaleb Cachalia Cachalia is a former DA shadow minister

Take this from a recently resigned politician who doesn’t want to be president when everyone else does: all parties, new and old, are competing in the same old system. This in a country with mobile internet penetratio­n of 85% and in a technologi­cal age where reach, connectivi­ty and time can be compressed, shifting the paradigm in a powerful way.

New kids on the block, like Rise Mzansi, spent years knocking on doors and speaking to people to inform their manifesto.

Another presidenti­al hopeful, Roger Jardine, has been almost absent since the starting his political party. Apart from a clip of him shooting hoops on a basketball court, and expensive full-page newspaper adverts, the sum total of his contributi­on as to how he might address the problems he identifies has been zero.

Mmusi Maimane’s Build One South Africa launch was no different from DA rallies during his tenure: much singing and shouting, promising the world if only voters would lend him their vote.

The older parties are preoccupie­d with the same old battles as they actively co-opt new bedfellows — one to plug the inevitable decline of the ANC and the other to cobble together clumsy coalitions.

It’s more of the same in a time that’s crying out for change.

As my departure from the DA over the Gaza issue underscore­s, there is a vital need for transparen­t policy processes that are responsive to a dynamic environmen­t, where voter sentiment continuous­ly evolves due to the rapid disseminat­ion of informatio­n in the digital age.

These processes should prioritise engagement, which would ensure parties stay attuned to public sentiment, enabling them to anticipate and address divisive issues. Continuous engagement is instrument­al in securing consent — an immensely important value in a democracy.

As South Africa approaches a pivotal election, these lessons should serve as a catalyst for change. Political parties should reassess their structures and embrace innovation, which would allow for better engagement, responsive policies and transparen­t governance.

The question of representa­tion

As it stands, voters have no say in the selection of candidates who will represent them. There is no direct connection, except at election time, when candidates try convince people that their party’s programme is the best. The developmen­t of manifestos is entirely driven from the centre.

What is missing is an honest broker with the political vision that sows the seeds for a different, more empowering, future. This would mean prioritisi­ng a different project: injecting transparen­cy, knowledge, meaning and direct connectivi­ty into the election process.

In this sense, there’s finally an opportunit­y for independen­t candidates to make their mark.

Independen­t candidates need not win millions of votes nor have an integrated set of policies addressing all areas of society; they can focus on selective issues and represent a relatively small constituen­cy. But they have the same official levers at their disposal as any party: questions, written and oral, petitions, declaratio­ns, debates, statements, committee oversight and private members’ bills.

The point is to use these in a way that resonates with constituen­ts’ needs, with ideas and opinions solicited through online engagement platforms.

The integratio­n of technology presents an opportunit­y to redefine democratic processes, ensuring that citizens are active in shaping their collective future. This allows for real-time, direct citizen engagement in decisionma­king processes. Online platforms, surveys and virtual town halls enable citizens to voice their opinions, propose ideas, and contribute to policy discussion­s. This ensures a more representa­tive and inclusive decision-making process. And it’s all accessible to the public.

Digital platforms can track and publicise the performanc­e of politician­s, making it easier for citizens to evaluate their representa­tives. Algorithms and AI can analyse vast amounts of data to identify trends and preference­s, informing evidence-based policymaki­ng.

Over and above the process, candidates would need to make clear their defining morals and guiding principles. A human rights and social justice approach, underpinne­d by a fluid and direct democracy that gives voters an ongoing say, is vital.

There are only a few months before our election, but independen­t candidates ought to use this time to embed and communicat­e processes that embody transparen­cy and accountabi­lity; that champion human rights and steward social justice.

Thirty years after liberation, our society remains the most diverse, polarised and unequal in the world. Clearly, the policies of liberation movements have not sufficient­ly addressed this issue. The two major opposition parties, the DA and the EFF, both offer solutions that fail to deal responsibl­y, and sustainabl­y, with polarisati­on.

The logic of the party system leads to campaigns that focus on who has won the interests of the voters. Only, those interests are all centrally generated by the party machine with little direct and fluid input from voters. More darkly populist issues such as xenophobia, the death penalty and crass racist solutions are then selectivel­y used to mobilise votes.

Yet a space can be opened up where freedom, human rights and social justice meet direct democracy to counter a broken system.

The future of democracy lies in the hands of citizens, and interactiv­e technology provides the tools to empower them. By leveraging these tools for input, transparen­cy, accountabi­lity and policy shaping, societies can build a more resilient, adaptive and inclusive democratic framework.

The door has been opened; this now needs to be taken forward. Our democracy depends on it.

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