Farmer's Weekly (South Africa)

Crossword 573



1. Of plants, encroachin­g or aggressive (8)

5. Cutting down (crops) with a handheld curve-bladed tool (8)

10. Fertilises with animal dung (7)

12. Any scaly, cold-blooded vertebrate that lays eggs on land (7)

13. Mediterran­ean fruit yielding oil much used in cooking (5)

14. Pig’s foot (7)

15. Due to the action of wind (7)

16. Capital of South Korea (5)

19. Pattern of recurrence (6)

22. Paleness (6)

24. Japanese art of flower arranging (7)

25. Group of growing trees (4)

26. Fine sediment deposited by water (4)

28. Connoisseu­r of good food and wine (7)

30. Farmhouse or country house with its stables and other buildings (6)

33. Accumulate or fall due (6)

36. Plants growing where they are not wanted (5)

39. Hungarian red pepper and the spice obtained from it (7)

40. Equipment used to alleviate soil compaction (7)

41. Descriptiv­e of small versions of plants with slow growth rates (5)

42. Modified (7)

43. Nimbleness (7)

44. Tied (an animal) to a structure with rope or chain (8)

45. Dried and ground offal of marine creatures, used as animal feed (8)


1. Not yet fully grown (8)

2. South African sheep breed developed in 1906 by crossing Blinkhaar Afrikaner with Rambouille­t (3,4)

3. Area or expanse (of country) (7)

4. Movable face-covering parts of helmets (6)

6. Any edible grain crop (6)

7. Tropical shrub (Manihot esculenta) with edible starchy, tuberous roots (7)

8. Original (7)

9. Leaves and fresh growth in general (8)

11. Chamber for grain storage (4)

17. Perform or carry into effect (7)

18. Not carrying a weapon (7)

20. Sharp part of a leaf, stem or root (5)

21. Small, gnatlike fly (5)

22. Italian flour dough (5)

23. Tree (Syringa vulgaris) of the olive family, with pale purple or white flowers (5)

27. American name for aubergine (8)

29. Act of treason (8)

31. Bituminous substance mixed with rock chips and used for paving (7)

32. Cartilage when present in meat (7)

34. Chicken breed, also known as Indian Game, developed in south-west England (7)

35. Verminous (7)

36. Walk as a duck does (6)

37. Popular red-skinned Dutch cheese (4)

38. Expedition for game viewing (6)



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