Farmer's Weekly (South Africa)

Expanded market brings avocado season success

- – Lindi Botha

The South African avocado industry is making headway in India after gaining market access earlier this year. Supported by the World Avocado Organizati­on (WAO), consumers and food businesses in India are being educated about the health benefits of regular avocado consumptio­n and how best to use this fruit in Indian cuisine.

While the campaign promotes avocados in general, much of the available produce in India originates in South Africa. Derek Donkin, CEO of the South African Avocado Growers’ Associatio­n, noted the importance of having multiple markets for South African avocados. “Historical­ly, South Africa’s avocado exports have been largely focused on the EU and the UK, and these destinatio­ns account for 95% of its exports. However, with production increasing, the recent access to India offers promising new avenues for growth, with consumers getting a wider choice for high-quality fruit.” Zac Bard, chairperso­n of the WAO, said the organisati­on’s 2023 campaign in India created a lot of excitement and engagement, resulting in a significan­t increase in avocado consumptio­n there. He believed that demand for avocados would continue to grow in India as more discerning consumers discovered them. In general, the South African avocado industry has had a positive season, with prices in its main markets holding firm. This was mostly due to lower volumes from Peru, which traditiona­lly competed with South Africa in EU and UK markets. South Africa’s avocados also marked their first entry into China this year, further easing pressure on traditiona­l markets.

Locally, prices have fared well. Johnny van der Merwe, managing director of AMT, which specialise­s in the analysis and forecastin­g of agricultur­al markets, said that local supply had been constraine­d due to the more favourable export markets, which had resulted in increased exports. Avocados traded at around R15/kg at the start of August, rising to R20,29/kg by the end of that month. “As the season is tapering off, we expect to see local prices increasing and remaining in an upward trend until November. However, [avos] are not expected to move past the R30/kg mark,” he said.

 ?? LINDI BOTHA ?? South African avocados have fared well in export markets this year.
LINDI BOTHA South African avocados have fared well in export markets this year.

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