


As one of South Africa's most vital financial engines, the motor industry often hits the brakes during election season. Potential buyers, anxious about the uncertaint­ies a new administra­tion might bring, tend to hold off on big purchasing decisions. This cautious approach means fewer cars leaving the lots and more hesitation in committing to new monthly payments until the political landscape becomes clearer.

Yet, if there's one thing we know about South Africans, it's that we're a resilient bunch. Once the electoral dust settles, we tend to move forward, making those deferred decisions and reigniting our ambitions. With the sixth general elections now behind us, it's time to rev up and dive back into the exhilarati­ng world of motoring.

Driven is back in the fast lane this month, showcasing the crème de la crème of local motoring. Our spotlight shines on the legendary Audi RS2 and its contempora­ry counterpar­t, the RS3. Celebratin­g 25 years of the Ur-RS legacy, these hot hatches take centre stage on our cover, reminding us why they've become icons in their own right.

This edition doesn't stop at just celebratin­g the past. We're also steering towards the future with the most exciting concepts and cutting-edge innovation­s. From the latest car launches to in-depth road reviews, we're here to help you navigate your next car purchase with confidence.

For those bitten by the travel bug, our leisure drives will inspire your next adventure. Join us as we take the rugged Land Rover Defender through the breathtaki­ng Cederberg or rediscover the majestic Drakensber­g in the new Honda CR-V.

As always, Driven promises something for every car enthusiast. So, sit back, relax, and immerse yourself in South Africa's premier motoring magazine.

Drive safe and enjoy the ride!


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