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Risk of power cuts

As NC municipali­ties’ debt soars


NORTHERN Cape municipali­ties are collective­ly indebted to Eskom to the tune of over R5.1 billion, as of June 2024

This startling figure was confirmed by the Department of Co-operative Governance, Human Settlement­s and Traditiona­l Affairs (Coghsta) in response to questions from the DA, according to Gizella Opperman, the DA’S provincial spokespers­on on Coghsta.

Opperman pointed out that the debt had surged dramatical­ly compared to the amount of R2.68 billion that was reported by the auditor-general in June 2023.

“The situation is critical, with R4.5 billion overdue for more than 90 days,” she said.

“The auditor-general’s report also reveals that 61 percent of the Province’s municipali­ties are in severe financial distress.

Alarmingly, 92 percent of municipali­ties cannot meet their 30-day payment obligation­s and are struggling to manage their financial commitment­s.”

Opperman warned that Eskom might cut off electricit­y supplies to municipali­ties that failed to settle their debts – a move that would have serious repercussi­ons for residents and businesses.

“Residents face the harsh impact of disconnect­ions and businesses are jeopardise­d by unreliable and expensive electricit­y,” she said.

Additional­ly, Opperman criticised the lack of accountabi­lity for department­s with significan­t overdue accounts.

She stated that it was unacceptab­le that ordinary residents faced disconnect­ions if their municipal accounts were only slightly behind, while department­s racked up millions in debt without facing any consequenc­es.

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