Daily News

SPCA seeks public’s help after killing of Egyptian goose

- THOBEKA NGEMA thobeka.ngema@inl.co.za

FACEBOOK users have called the shooting and killing of an Egyptian goose in the Kloof area, upper highway, as “heartless” and “disgusting”.

Yesterday morning, the Kloof and Highway SPCA on its Facebook page asked for help from Kloof residents after the discovery of the bird.

“The Kloof and Highway SPCA was called to Glen Drive, Kloof yesterday (Monday) afternoon after an apparent gunshot was heard and a dead Egyptian goose was found on the verge by Blue Security,” it said.

“Our SPCA inspectors and staff are devastated that when the Egyptian goose was X-rayed a pellet/bullet was found lodged in its lifeless body.”

The Kloof and Highway SPCA said a post-mortem would be conducted.

“We are appealing to anybody who witnessed this crime or who has any evidence of who would commit such an act against an innocent animal, to please come forward so this matter can be taken further.

“As a community, we should be concerned that a resident has discharged a firearm/pellet gun, in a residentia­l area, and shot an innocent animal,” the Kloof and Highway SPCA said.

Anyone with informatio­n was urged to email Kloof and Highway SPCA manager Barbara Patrick at manager@kloofspca.co.za

“Thank you to those who cared enough to report this incident to our Kloof and Highway SPCA, and to Blue Security, who responded so quickly,” the SPCA added.

On reading the SPCA’S plea, many Facebook users reacted.

Felicity Hanika described the incident as a “senseless crime”.

Claire Tracey Saaiman said: “This is absolutely disgusting and heartless! I hope this sorry excuse for a ‘human’ is caught and dealt with accordingl­y.”

Andrew Pender-smith said he hoped the perpetrato­r would be quickly apprehende­d and prosecuted.

Charmaine Glinski said: “Absolutely bloody disgusting. Shame on you.”

Jessica Dench asked if the police could check if anyone has a registered firearm in the area, however, she was not sure if pellet guns need to be registered.

“There are a few people in the Kloof area who fire at monkeys and birds. Very sad,” Dench said.

Kamille Che’sdyn Moodley said: “Disgusting! Action must be taken.”

Carol Anne Whitefield Titley said it was cruel and heartbreak­ing.

Irene Govender said: “Heartless human being, karma is on its way to you for killing an innocent creature of God.”

Clinton Shekyls said: “Absolutely disgusting. I hope you catch the person.”

Whatsapp your views on this story at 071 485 7995.

 ?? Supplied ?? THE KLOOF and Highway SPCA was called to Glen Drive after an apparent gunshot was heard and a dead Egyptian goose was found on the verge by Blue Security. | Kloof and Highway SPCA. |
Supplied THE KLOOF and Highway SPCA was called to Glen Drive after an apparent gunshot was heard and a dead Egyptian goose was found on the verge by Blue Security. | Kloof and Highway SPCA. |

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