Daily News

Is handwritin­g necessary in this age of digitisati­on?


SOUTH African motorists can expect another significan­t fuel price reduction. In response to unaudited data from the Central Energy Fund, both grades of petrol, diesel, and illuminati­ng paraffin prices show substantia­l decreases that will reduce fuel costs off the back of four decreases already in 2024. | AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATIO­N

With more technology integratio­n in schools, is handwritin­g really necessary in this age of digitisati­on? Research says yes! Handwritin­g should remain a key component in fostering cognitive developmen­t and improving literacy outcomes, especially given literacy concerns in South Africa. | DESPINA HARITO

The modern consumer expects a personalis­ed and seamless shopping experience across physical and digital channels. This is where data warehousin­g and customer data platforms come in. These tools not only collect data but also allow businesses to personalis­e each customer interactio­n based on their preference­s and behaviour. | STEFAN GERBER

Alley Cat Rescue has been involved with protecting the African wildcat South African subspecies. African wildcat population­s face challenges due mainly to habitat loss, land fragmentat­ion, and hybridisat­ion with free-roaming domestic cats. Loss of the African wildcat as a species would be a tragedy and cause a disturbanc­e in regional environmen­ts. | CBIE HOLZER

As a South African-born naturalise­d Australian, I am not surprised so many people who migrated to Oz to escape the apartheid regime have since the one man, one vote general election in 1994 chosen to show their secondary support for the Rainbow Nation’s multiracia­l national sporting teams such as the Springboks and Proteas, while still being patriotic by barracking for Australian sporting teams. | ERIC PALM

R16.8 million was spent by 11 provincial government department­s over just four months. This while two Mercedes-benz SUVS were costing KZN taxpayers R300 000 a month to hire. MEC Rodgers has inherited a shocking legacy of wasteful expenditur­e. | TIM BRAUTESETH

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