Daily News



STRONG winds accompanie­d by heavy rainfall wreaked havoc in parts of Kwazulu-natal, leaving a trail of destructio­n in Tongaat, ethekwini, Pinetown, South Coast, umgababa and Newcastle.

Yesterday evening, Kwazulu-natal Co-operative Governance and Traditiona­l Affairs (Cogta) spokespers­on Siboniso Mngadi said the informatio­n in their possession showed Tongaat was the hardest hit with many people left homeless. “Our disaster management teams are assisting people affected by heavy rainfall and strong winds. A number of houses, roads, and infrastruc­ture have been damaged. There is no electricit­y in other areas in Durban due to the storm.”

Mngadi said halls and other community facilities have been opened for the people who need a place to sleep.

“There are no injuries and fatalities for now, but this could change.”

Mngadi urged the public to exercise caution as some roads were flooded.

Yesterday, videos of a possible “tornado” in Tongaat that caused extensive damage, surfaced on social media.

IPSS Medical Rescue spokespers­on Dylan Meyrick said their teams were dispatched to the area following devastatin­g infrastruc­tural damage.

Yesterday, the SA Weather Services (SAWS) issued a Level 4 weather warning for KZN for heavy rainfall and possible flooding. Lehlohonol­o Thobela, Saws meteorolog­ist and weather forecaster said the video was of a tornado.

“The SAWS have issued a Level 2 warning, for severe thundersto­rms covering the central and the western parts of KZN. One of the observatio­ns we see is the occurrence of tornados in an area.”

A resident, who preferred to remain anonymous, said that Tongaat had been hit by hail, heavy rains and what appears to be a tornado.

“Some residents suffered damaged vehicles and broken windows.”

She said residents were scrambling to safeguard their properties and animals from the hail.

In 2021, the same town was hit by devastatin­g floods, that led to the entire water treatment plant being washed away.

The area did not have water for months on end.

 ?? | IPSS Medical Rescue ?? EMERGENCY services had their hands full following strong winds and rainfall that caused extensive damage in Tongaat on the KZN North Coast, ethekwini, and other parts of Kwazulu-natal.
| IPSS Medical Rescue EMERGENCY services had their hands full following strong winds and rainfall that caused extensive damage in Tongaat on the KZN North Coast, ethekwini, and other parts of Kwazulu-natal.
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