Daily News

Will the MK Party survive post Zuma?


I think the ANC must thank people like Panyaza Lesufi, who gave their best to save the party. | KD NDLUZELA

To Cyril Ramaphosa, it is time to fall on your sword. Resign, Mr President, you do not need the money. Furthermor­e, to draw attention to your colleague saying “an extinguish­ed guest” instead of “esteemed guest” is belittling, embarrassi­ng and nothing short of rude. Never draw public attention when people make mistakes like this. It was just not funny. | LINDA KORTE

What does the IEC senior staff do after the elections? After the elections, there is absolutely nothing for the staff to do. So do they still get paid while they are non-productive or doing absolutely nothing until the next election? Is our hard earned tax money being used to fund them for doing absolutely nothing after the elections? | ZRS

Denying a party the opportunit­y to stand for elections goes against our democratic right which is constituti­onal. Given the short time that MK Party canvassed and despite all its unnecessar­y shortcomin­gs and attempted derailment, it is obvious that they would have received more votes and the possibilit­y of 2/3 power. It’s statistica­l evidence right in front of us. A full blown investigat­ion is required. It’s obvious that the IEC is just as corrupt. | REG

The clutter of these micro, pop-up parties generated confusion which needs to be avoided in future. There were 34 of them that failed to achieve even a 0.25% vote tally. Their presence on the ballot sheets was not a tribute to multi-party democracy but an indictment of the absence of regulation­s needed to provide sensible guidelines so as to eliminate opportunis­tic adventurer­s. In future, any new party or group wishing to contest elections should be required to make a R2 million deposit with the IEC so as to give some credence to their bona fides. | DR DUNCAN DU BOIS

 ?? ?? THE MK Party is making all sorts of accusatory lies now that they failed to get the majority vote in KZN. It is a case of sour grapes. This MK Party will not last because its leader Zuma is old and the party is built around him. They will drop numbers in the next election like the UDM, Cope and EFF. | ANON
THE MK Party is making all sorts of accusatory lies now that they failed to get the majority vote in KZN. It is a case of sour grapes. This MK Party will not last because its leader Zuma is old and the party is built around him. They will drop numbers in the next election like the UDM, Cope and EFF. | ANON

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