Daily News

RISE Mzansi says it’s proud of its performanc­e as a young party


RISE Mzansi said it was proud that the party concluded its first national and provincial elections and that it would also be sending new leaders to Parliament and to the Gauteng provincial legislatur­e.

“It is worth mentioning that it also appears that – outside of the MK Party, which split from the ANC – we are leading the pack in terms of new parties,” RISE Mzansi said in a statement.

“Indeed, we had high ambitions, but for a party that did not exist 13 months ago, the fact that we have establishe­d a national recognisab­le brand, a base in all nine provinces and we are sending representa­tives to Parliament is a testament to the incredible hard work of our organisers and volunteers around the country,” the statement read.

Speaking to the media, RISE Mzansi leader Songezo Zibi said: “This our first election, at a location like this, at a results centre. It was just over a year ago and when we began we had some objectives in mind.”

He said RISE Mzansi wanted to become a national organisati­on that had a presence in the national public consciousn­ess, an organisati­on that punched above its weight and was taken seriously by other political actors, various stakeholde­rs, and the society at large.

In Kwazulu-natal, the party did not do very well. The party secured 3 898 votes or 0.11% support from the voters.

However, it did perform in the following areas:

1. Mnquma in the Eastern Cape;

2. Ngquza Hill in the Eastern Cape;

3. Cosmo City in Johannesbu­rg; 4. Winterveld­t in Tshwane;

5. Sekatane in Mpumalanga; 6. Joburg northern suburbs; and 7. The City of Cape Town.

 ?? | NQOBILE MBONAMBI Independen­t Newspapers ?? NONKULULEK­O Hlongwane-mhlongo, the Kwazulu-natal premier candidate of RISE Mzansi.
| NQOBILE MBONAMBI Independen­t Newspapers NONKULULEK­O Hlongwane-mhlongo, the Kwazulu-natal premier candidate of RISE Mzansi.

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