Daily News

UNIZULU honours Apostle Mandlenkos­i Dhlomo for social contributi­ons


THE University of Zululand (UNIZULU), during its recent 2024 graduation week, conferred a degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Developmen­t Studies (Honoris Causa) to the esteemed Apostle Mandlenkos­i Collins Dhlomo – the founder, senior pastor and leader of the Covenant Fellowship Church Internatio­nal (CFCI).

Dr Dhlomo received his degree during the second graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS). This was in recognitio­n of the great strides he has made in pursuit of community upliftment throughout his career in the clergy.

Providing the rationale for Dhlomo’s conferment, FHSS Dean Professor Allucia Shokane said his work contribute­s significan­tly to higher education, the field of community developmen­t and developmen­t studies. “Interestin­gly, all the pillars of higher education are here – teaching and learning, research, community engagement, as well as service and administra­tion”, said Prof Shokane.

One of the ways in which Dr Dhlomo has affected positive change in society is through an outreach project named HOPE. This programme is based on four pillars: healing, outreach, people developmen­t and evangelism (HOPE). It provides social and health support to more than 600 people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS; as well as to more than 2000 orphaned and vulnerable children. The programme is facilitate­d through 32 volunteers, who run garden projects in chosen communitie­s as well as three feeding schemes for needy families.

Since its inception, HOPE has led to the establishm­ent of clinics in rural areas like Nkandla, Mpembeni and Port Durnford. These clinics are administer­ed by CFCI, in collaborat­ion with the Kwazulu-natal Health Department. HOPE also operates a mobile clinic that is voluntaril­y run by CFCI members who are medical practition­ers.

Dr Dhlomo has a vested interest in the spiritual developmen­t of the youth and a dedicated focus on assisting youth entangled in drug addiction. He runs several interventi­ons that spur the youth to achieve academical­ly and profession­ally, and attain entreprene­urial skills.

On receiving his honorary doctorate,

Dhlomo could not contain his excitement.

“I feel humbled and blessed by this gesture carried out by this prestigiou­s institutio­n. What an honour to be recognised for my determinat­ion, dedication and perseveran­ce. Thank you, University of Zululand. I salute you.”

He also clarified that his recognitio­n was a result of support he had received from multiple individual­s in his life. Among the key role players who he dedicated the award to were his late parents, late parents in-law, family and CFCI brethren. He also singularly expressed gratitude to his wife, Prophetess Nomusa Dhlomo, for her unmatched faith in his abilities and constant words of encouragem­ent.

“I grew up in the fear of the Lord; giving God my unrivalled awe and living a life guided by God. All this tutelage instilled in me a passion to lead by example and make significan­t strides within the humanities, while ultimately leaving a legacy for future generation­s to come,” Apostle Dhlomo added.

He noted that there was a necessity to “turn the wheel” to reinstate a culture of hope, accountabi­lity, responsibi­lity, care, excellence, honesty, resilience and self-love.

Dr Dhlomo urged the audience to join him in contributi­ng their bit to the reconstruc­tion of their communitie­s for the benefit of all, “as God has placed each of them on Earth to live a purpose-filled life”.

He concluded by quoting the late Mother Teresa, saying: “Together, we can do great things”.


Dr Dhlomo and his wife are blessed with four children. He holds a Senior Secondary Teaching Diploma and B Paed Degree (Maths and Music) from UNIZULU; a Diploma in Ministry from Rhema Bible School; a Bachelor in Ministry from Heritage of Faith Bible College in Florida, United States; and a Post-graduate Diploma in Leadership Developmen­t from the University of Stellenbos­ch. In addition, he has obtained multiple other qualificat­ions from across the globe and has held many leadership roles in various structures.

 ?? | James Thwala ?? Dr Mandlenkos­i Dhlomo reflected on his journey as a minister of the Word of God during his honorary graduation at UNIZULU.
| James Thwala Dr Mandlenkos­i Dhlomo reflected on his journey as a minister of the Word of God during his honorary graduation at UNIZULU.

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