Daily News

We all call for the Duma kind of leadership


There is nothing new about this system of district brand marks. When the ANC came to power, we were using the same method. They changed it so that they can make money. Today they are changing it. This was the best way of minimising stock theft. | MAKGALEC63

RE: Ashin Singh Spying. This is called the art of deflection. Threaten people and hopefully the main issues will be forgotten. This magistrate breached security protocols at court when an outsider was found alone in his office going through magistrate­s’ personal files. The magistrate committee has done nothing about that since 2017. With all these spy allegation­s, it now makes sense that Singh had been collecting intelligen­ce on magistrate­s. | DIVESH

Being on the programme does not mean you must campaign. Even during SRC elections students get discipline­d if they campaign during a period or event that they know very well they are not supposed to. In fact, they know that doing so can have dire consequenc­es. So let me repeat what I said without causing confusion between the KZN Premier & the PM of the Zulus. What the PM of the Zulus did was completely out of order. He ought to know better. We must be outraged. We can’t support this kind of behaviour simply because he is Prime minister of the Zulus. Bottomline is that SA will need no-nonsense leaders who are bold, not only to hold people accountabl­e but also to deal with seniors who break the rules simply because of their proximity to power. When students behave like him, we all call for the Duma kind of leadership. But when we have it where and when it matters, we suddenly change the tune – playing politics because of our agendas. Nonsense is nonsense. Leadership must deal with it as and when it rears its head. | MOTHER OF BOYS

We have a record of Buthelezi praising Ramaphosa for respecting the Zulu king. No microphone was taken from Buthelezi for making that remark. All of a sudden, Duma “thinks” that Mtolo was about to be attacked, and then he pounces. Duma must do the right thing. He embarrasse­d Ramaphosa. He disrespect­ed the Zulu King, the Zulu PM, Amabutho, the guests and those watching on television and listening on the radio. The fact that we are discussing Duma and not the fine (or otherwise) attributes of Dinizulu must tell you of the damage that Duma did. He must apologise.

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