Daily News

Teen beauty star on a mission to save the world

- PHINDILE NQUMAKO phindile.nqumako@inl.co.za

NEWLY announced Miss Teen Earth Internatio­nal, Gauteng’s Chloé-jade Christian, 16, wants to rewrite the narrative and place emphasis on the things that really matter.

The bubbly and outgoing pageant queen is on a mission to change the narrative on beauty pageants as she stands for more than just beauty – for environmen­tal conservati­on.

“I am determined to contribute my skills, passion and voice towards protecting the Earth for future generation­s,” she said.

She said the opportunit­y to serve as Miss Teen Earth Internatio­nal was not merely a title, but a commitment.

“I understand the power of education and the vital role it plays in creating a sustainabl­e future,” she said.

“I am devoted to promoting environmen­tal education, empowering young minds and inspiring them to become the stewards of our planet.

“We only have one planet, let’s look after it. This is a very pertinent call to action.”

Chloé-jade said that one of the key aspects of her mission was to promote sustainabl­e lifestyle choices and to encourage others to adopt eco-friendly practices.

“Every individual has the power to contribute in their own unique way, and I am dedicated to inspiring others to take action through education, outreach, and real-life initiative­s.“

Chloé-jade participat­es in environmen­tal clean-up campaigns and conservati­on projects. These include organising community clean-ups, volunteeri­ng for local environmen­tal organisati­ons, and participat­ing in tree planting initiative­s.

She said the answer to whether society and government was doing enough to conserve the environmen­t wasn't a simple yes or no.

“While some are making efforts, others are not. We can always do better by protecting our land and environmen­t more effectivel­y — addressing issues like overfishin­g, deforestat­ion and pollution. Encouragin­g mindfulnes­s and respect for our home is crucial. My focus is on influencin­g individual­s positively, as I can’t directly impact government actions.”

When not horse riding, singing, playing the violin or acting, Chloejade studies.

“While I used to be into sports and athletics, I recently took a step back to prioritise my academics. Singing, modelling, and playing the violin allow me to escape and find calmness, while acting and reading transport me to different worlds, letting me create my own stories. Indoors, you’ll find me immersed in books or relaxing with movies and the occasional nap,” she said.

She leverages social media platforms to amplify environmen­tal messages and engage with a wider audience, and collaborat­e with like-minded individual­s and organisati­ons.

She urged people to be mindful of water usage, to turn off lights and electric appliances when not in use, recycle waste, and spread awareness.

“It may seem simple, but it becomes challengin­g when focusing on daily routines. Consistent effort is key to making a positive impact,” she said.

 ?? MISS Teen Earth Internatio­nal, Chloé-jade Christian. ??
MISS Teen Earth Internatio­nal, Chloé-jade Christian.

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