Daily News

Engen schools programme celebrates top KZN pupils


ENGEN recently celebrated the efforts and sacrifice of Grade 12 pupils, who attended the four Engen Maths and Science Schools in Durban, at an awards ceremony at Fairvale High School.

Engen Maths and Science Schools offer free supplement­ary classes every Saturday at Fairvale High School, Ganges High School, Hillview High School and umlazi Commercial High School.

The programme focuses on extra tuition in “gateway” subjects such as maths and science, as well as English.

Speaking at the ceremony, Engen’s

CSI manager, Olwethu Mdabula, said these subjects are considered critical in addressing the country’s technical and engineerin­g skills shortage as well as spurring economic growth.

“While Engen is extremely proud of all the 2023 matriculan­ts, I must make special mention of and commend the incredible results attained by our top KZN achievers,” he said.

One of these top achievers is Keresha Nair, an alumnus of Westville Girls’ High School who achieved seven distinctio­ns, including 93% for physical science and 88% for maths, which secured her a spot to study mechanical engineerin­g at UCT this year.

Nosipho Lungile Msomi from Wentworth chalked up seven distinctio­ns, which earned her a place to study medicine at UCT this year. She is an alumnus of Durban Academy High School and achieved 82% in English, 87% in maths and 84% in physical science, marks that allow her to follow her dream of becoming an orthopaedi­c surgeon one day.

Wendy Asiphe Ndadane of umlazi is poised to fulfil her dream of becoming a doctor after achieving seven distinctio­ns, including 98% in maths and 96% in physical science during her matric year.

Azanda Mashinaye from Mobeni Heights and an alumnus of Durban Academy High School, notched up six distinctio­ns and is planning to study accounting at UCT. She scored 85% for maths, 86% for physical science and 80% for English.

Andiswa Mtaka Mbense from Montclair, an alumnus of Ganges Secondary, scooped six As and a place at UCT, where he will pursue a BSC in mechanical engineerin­g.

Kiara Ci-anne Wagner, who lives on the Bluff, notched up 90% for both maths and physical science. An alumnus of Grosvenor Girls High School, her results have secured her a place at Wits University of the Witwatersr­and to study Electrical Engineerin­g.

Mdabula said that the EMSS programme seeks to harness the potential of talented young people in difficult circumstan­ces and to contribute to the pool of scarce skills in the country.

“The programme becomes a lifeline for students, offering them the resources and guidance to achieve academic excellence and pursue higher education.”

The recently released Department of Basic Education technical report reveals encouragin­g improvemen­ts in the pass rates for maths and physical science, with maths increasing from 55% in 2022 to 63.5% in 2023.

 ?? ?? Andiswa Mbense scooped six distinctio­ns and a place at the University of Cape Town, where he will be pursuing a BSC in Mechanical Engineerin­g.
Andiswa Mbense scooped six distinctio­ns and a place at the University of Cape Town, where he will be pursuing a BSC in Mechanical Engineerin­g.
 ?? ?? Top Engen achiever Azanda Mashiyane is studying a BSC in Accounting.
Top Engen achiever Azanda Mashiyane is studying a BSC in Accounting.

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