Daily News

Municipali­ties encouraged to improve service – MEC


KZN MEC for Co-operative Governance and Traditiona­l Affairs (Cogta), Bongiwe Sithole-moloi, has urged municipali­ties to draw inspiratio­n from those who are excelling to improve service delivery at local government level.

She was speaking to mayors, municipal managers, and amakhosi who attended the department’s annual Municipal Service Excellence Awards held in Pietermari­tzburg City Hall on Tuesday night.

The awards aim to motivate municipali­ties to enhance their performanc­e, productivi­ty, and innovation in service, and to promote best practices.

“Not all municipali­ties have consistent­ly met performanc­e expectatio­ns, but we have witnessed notable improvemen­ts in many. Therefore, it is imperative to honour those municipali­ties that have demonstrat­ed excellence, not only to commend their efforts but also to serve as a source of inspiratio­n for others,” she said.

Cogta’s vision is to have all 54 municipali­ties functional to the best level, she said. Municipali­ties contested in 17 categories, including financial management, sustainabl­e electricit­y projects, Expanded Public Works Programmes, cleanlines­s, functional waste management, clean audit, and disaster response.

The Ray Nkonyeni Local Municipali­ty in Kwazulu-natal’s South Coast under Ugu District emerged as overall winner for its service delivery and budget implementa­tion plan (SDBIP) in the 2021/2022 financial year.

This category was determined by the level of improved achievemen­t of planned targets, service delivery indicators, and audit outcomes.

The Best performing ward committee went to: Ward 1 of Greater Kokstad Municipali­ty.

Best Managed Electricit­y Project by Municipali­ty: Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma Municipali­ty.

Most Efficient Municipal Infrastruc­ture Grant Project: umdloti Bridge: Ndwedwe Local Municipali­ty.

Best Special Developmen­t Framework: umhlathuze Local Municipali­ty.

Best Land Use Management Public Awareness Programme: ethekwini Metro.

Most Functional Community Service Centre with best 4IR implemente­d: Mnini SCS ethekwini Metro.

Best Traditiona­l Council in co-ordinating service delivery at the Traditiona­l Administra­tion Council: Mpungose Traditiona­l Council in Ulundi.

Best developed Integrated Developmen­t Plan (IDP): Ray Nkonyeni Local Municipali­ty.

Clean Audit Opinion in 2021/2022: Okhahlamba Local Municipali­ty.

Best Sustained Sound Financial Management: Umuziwaban­tu Local Municipali­ty.

Allocation and Expenditur­e on Maintenanc­e and Repair Budget: Mkhambathi­ni Local Municipali­ty.

Best Implemente­d Small Town Revitalisa­tion Programme: Mkhambathi­ni Local Municipali­ty.

Best Functional District Developmen­t Agency: Enterprise Ilembe: Ilembe District Municipali­ty.

Best Performing Local Expanded Public Works Programme: Mandeni Local Municipali­ty.

Best Performing District Expanded Public Works Programme: Harry Gwala District Municipali­ty.

Best Performing Local Community Work Programme: Umhlabuyal­ingana Local Municipali­ty.

Cleanest Township and Best waste Management Outreach Programme: Ntuzuma Township under ethekwini Metro.

Overall Winner Best Implemente­d Service Delivery and Budget Implementa­tion Plan (SDBIP): Ray Nkonyeni Local Municipali­ty.

MEC Sithole-moloi also awarded Special Awards relating to floods disaster awareness and responses.

Efficiency Disaster Management Response: umgungundl­ovu District, Ugu District, and Ilembe District Municipali­ties.

Update and Awareness on Disasters Community Radio Station: Nqubeko FM Community Radio: Ladysmith.

The MEC acknowledg­ed that some municipali­ties were not performing as expected and reassured the mayors that the department will continue to monitor and intervene by invoking laws where necessary.

 ?? ?? MUNICIPALI­TIES were urged to improve service delivery during the annual Municipal Service Excellence Awards held in Pietermari­tzburg City Hall on Tuesday night.
MUNICIPALI­TIES were urged to improve service delivery during the annual Municipal Service Excellence Awards held in Pietermari­tzburg City Hall on Tuesday night.

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