Daily News

City billing debacle could affect our mental health


THE ethekwini Municipali­ty must be prosecuted for billing consumers incorrectl­y. This places a person in a very stressful situation. This could have a drastic effect on one’s health.

The municipali­ty does not care about the suffering. Why doesn’t the municipali­ty request that consumers take snapshots of the electricit­y and water meters and email them to the section in charge of capturing? All that is required to obtain true usage is to subtract current from the last physical reading of both meters. Total the amounts paid during the estimate. The estimates are in most cases billed higher than actual usage. | KEMRAJ

There are many South Africans who never liked the ANC from its conception and throughout its many years of leadership in the Struggle against apartheid. They get very sore at heart and depressed every time it gets the mandate to serve and lead.

Honestly speaking, there is no political party today in South Africa that is in the league of the ANC, not only in terms of the justness of its cause and the correctnes­s of its political line, but in terms of the depth of its experience of leadership and governance, human resources and its closeness to the political pulse of the masses.

Even the DA is harping on “coalitions” because good analyses indicate that it has no capacity to grow support that is beyond 20% of the voting public. Let us all wait and see, but work hard and campaign fairly. | LEO REX

I managed to listen to the leaders of the political parties’ responses to the State of the Nation Address, and the leaders of the IFP and DA stood out.

I must say that for the first time I was mighty impressed by those two leaders, especially how John Steenhuise­n turned the Tintswalo story around to blow up in Cyril

Ramaphosa and the ANC’S faces. These 2024 elections are certainly going to be interestin­g. Let’s engage and apply our minds.

I can’t believe I praised Steenhuise­n, but do yourselves a favour and listen to his speech. | ROD SOLOMONS

Afghanista­n, a country that was in (turmoil) for 20 years (2001-2021). After the war, it was able to organise itself in less than three years, fixed its infrastruc­ture and grew its economy.

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