Daily News

NHI is just another tool of communism


THE dreaded NHI Bill, among other dubious bills such as the Spy Bill, is nothing other than just another powerful tool in the hands of the ANC government to force us to comply and to keep us relying on them.

Not only will the NHI Bill destroy health care in SA and drive our last few doctors to emigrate, but it will also give the ruling party unpreceden­ted powers to dictate to the average citizen where to go for treatment and what medication they qualify for. Can you imagine the damage this will do and the inconvenie­nce associated with such a proposal?

In light of the Global Health Treaty that the well-criticised World Health Organizati­on (WHO) wants to promulgate, there could be reasons to believe that through the NHI Bill, the ANC, together with the WHO, could wreak havoc in terms of the handling of future pandemics and outbreaks.

With such immense power and a society that is at the mercy of these communisti­c rulers and organisati­ons, imagine how far they could possibly push us and conquer us.

Imagine another pandemic arrives, and the WHO forces us all to either take another jab or have some weird device linked to our brains, such as a microchip or something stupid, to ensure mass surveillan­ce globally.

Bill Gates has already made his intentions clear about how to prevent future pandemics through mass surveillan­ce. On top of this, imagine the government telling you where to go get this jab or microchip, and when, and the overall impact of such powers being practised over us. It is a frightenin­g thought, indeed.

All it takes for evil, communism, socialism and wokeness to flourish, is when good men do nothing or keep quiet.

The farmers’ protests that we see happening now in Europe, are a stark reminder of how far society is being pushed by government­al rule and how excruciati­ngly evil this is – in the name of climate change. Those who feed our families and work their hands to the bone, are told by government­s to lessen carbon emissions and reduce farming activities. No wonder people are getting fed up.

It is time for people to start pushing back in the face of government­al overreach. The NHI will be just another attempt by the ruling ANC to control us, and it will surely be just another cash cow that will be milked dry.


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