Daily News

Services at Home Affairs in Newcastle are pathetic



I would like to advise SA National Civic Organisati­on (Sanco) veterans and former members who participat­ed in and supported democratic movements brought by the ANC movement on building the first recognised ANC branches guided by the Freedom Charter.

Unfortunat­ely, the ANC failed to implement as they promised to do, thus the citizens of South Africa became very angry to appeal to the wings, leagues and alliances. I also

The SA government taking Israel to the Internatio­nal Court of Justice must be viewed not with blinkers, but with open eyes. The SA government is now on the grey list with the internatio­nal rating agency. It cannot borrow any money from the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund (IMF) .

Now it desperatel­y needs money, so who can Ramaphosa borrow from? It owes China billions of dollars, it owes the IMF billions of dollars, it owes other lenders billions of dollars, and none of them are prepared to lend any more due to rampant corruption. It is now looking to oil-rich Muslim countries for help.

Israel is not a friend of any Muslim country, more so because of the Palestine war. I think that he ends up embarking on this trip to make Israel believe he cares about the war so that when the country needs money, they’ll be willing. | NARESH SINGH

TO MY way of thinking and understand­ing, the ANC and the MK party are one and the same thing. Like Mr Zuma said before, the ANC will rule forever. My opinion is that if you vote for the MK party, you are still voting for the ANC. | APPAREL


THE story regarding the Home Affairs system not working is just one of the challenges facing the department. I live in Newcastle and the services provided by its staff here are pathetic, if not ridiculous. People are going to Volksrust to get help if they want to apply for IDS. My daughter was told to come back in school uniform as if it’s mandatory even during school holidays.

 ?? | PETSHWANA SUPU ?? advise Sanco to alienate itself from the ANC.
| PETSHWANA SUPU advise Sanco to alienate itself from the ANC.

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