Daily News

No bail for man who ‘confessed’ to killing ex

- PHINDILE NQUMAKO phindile.nqumako@inl.co.za

MURDER accused Sugandran Naicker, 35, will remain behind bars after he was denied bail in the Chatsworth Magistrate­s Court on Friday.

Naicker is accused of killing his ex-girlfriend Vyaksha Sookdew, also 35, in Chatsworth in December. Naicker was remanded to Department of Correction­al Services in Westville until his next court appearance on February 16.

Naicker allegedly confessed to the murder of Sookdew to the police and led officers to her lifeless body at their home on Christmas Day.

About 14 000 people signed a petition demanding the courts refuse Naicker bail. The petition was presented to the court while the family of the deceased, gender-based violence organisati­ons, community members and leaders held a placard protest at the court.

On December 24 Naicker went to a petrol station with his VW Golf and left without paying for the R500 fuel.

He then returned in the car of the deceased Sookdew and was recognised as the person who did not pay, arrested and then confessed he had committed another offence. He led police to Sookdew’s body. Police said she was assaulted with a hammer.

Magistrate Naresh Bhika said the matter has attracted public and media attention, and painted a picture of GBV in the community. “I see no reason of entitlemen­t to bail and no exceptiona­l circumstan­ces,” Bhika said.

IFP councillor in Chatsworth, Pastor Selvan Govender, described it as a brutal killing. “As a community leader I stand against any kind of abuse against women and children,” he said.

Tymara Ketusha Samuel, who is head of legal for SA Outreach and emergency services and director of Samuel Attorneys, said that the family was still reeling in shock and grief after they buried their daughter on December 28.

Family spokespers­on Tashleen Kasipersha­d said the family was devastated to learn of her demise from the police as they were preparing Christmas lunch and were expecting her to join them.

“She leaves behind her mother and younger brother. We are putting our faith in the justice system.”

 ?? ?? PASTOR Selvan Govender an Inkatha Freedom Party member in Chatsworth, leads protesters with fists high after triumphant no bail ruling for Sugandran Naicker (pictured right) murder accused at Chatsworth Magistrate Court on Friday morning. | NQOBILE MBONAMBI Independen­t Newspapers
PASTOR Selvan Govender an Inkatha Freedom Party member in Chatsworth, leads protesters with fists high after triumphant no bail ruling for Sugandran Naicker (pictured right) murder accused at Chatsworth Magistrate Court on Friday morning. | NQOBILE MBONAMBI Independen­t Newspapers
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 ?? ?? VYAKSHA Sookdew beaten to death.
VYAKSHA Sookdew beaten to death.

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