Daily News

Global support grows for SA’S ICJ case

- YASMINE JACOBS yasmine.jacobs@inl.co.za

IN A significan­t developmen­t, South Africa has garnered support from local organisati­ons as well as the Turkish and Malaysian government­s in its pursuit of justice against the Israeli government’s alleged war crimes in Gaza.

This comes after the South African government filed an applicatio­n with the Internatio­nal Court of Justice (ICJ) on December 29, accusing Israel of genocidal actions intended to destroy a substantia­l part of the Palestinia­n population.

The Muslim Judicial Council (SA) and the United Ulama Council of South Africa both lauded their government’s bold decision to refer the matter to the ICJ.

The MJC commended South Africa’s leadership in the global fight against oppression, drawing parallels with the nation’s historical struggle against apartheid.

Emphasisin­g the universal values of human rights and condemning the killing of innocent civilians, especially children, the MJC called upon fellow citizens to rally behind the court applicatio­n.

“We furthermor­e condemn in the strongest terms those who are opposed to this court applicatio­n,” said the MJC.

“The deaths of thousands of Gazan children is abhorrent to all civilized humans and necessitat­es us to voice our support to bring an end to Israeli genocide against Palestine,” the council said.

“Your failure to condemn the killing of children speaks of a shocking moral bankruptcy. It exposes your duplicity when the victims of a war crime are of an ethnic group different to yours.”

The United Ulama Council of South Africa has expressed unequivoca­l support for the government’s referral of the Israeli government to the Internatio­nal Criminal Court. The Council highlighte­d the sanctity of life and the imperative to protect the vulnerable, particular­ly women and children, as central tenets of all religions, including Islam.

Condemning the desecratio­n of health-care facilities, churches and mosques in Palestine, the Council emphasised the sacrilegio­us nature of such acts.

The internatio­nal support for South Africa’s ICJ case expanded beyond verbal endorsemen­t after the Turkish Foreign Ministry and the Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs both officially announced their backing for the case, condemning Israel’s reported murder of thousands of Palestinia­ns in Gaza.

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